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http://www.100md.com 2000年12月6日
     NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Keeping your chin up and rolling with the punches may sound like cliches, but according to a team of Finnish researchers, this advice could save your life.

    In a study of more than 22,000 adults in Finland, investigators found that men who reported high levels of satisfaction with their lives were more likely to be alive 20 years later. There was no association between life satisfaction and mortality for women, however.

    ``It seems to me that the coping abilities of women with distress and dissatisfaction may be better than in men,'' the study's lead author, Dr. Heli Koivumaa-Honkanen, from the University of Turku in Finland, told Reuters Health.

    For example, men who feel dissatisfied might cope with their feelings by abusing alcohol, smoking and not exercising while women might talk to friends or seek professional help, she added.

    Life satisfaction refers to a sense of general well-being and takes into account a person's interest in life and their feelings of happiness and loneliness, the authors explain.

    Dissatisfied men were more than twice as likely to die of all causes than those who were satisfied with life, and more than three times as likely to die of a disease, the report indicates. Men who drank heavily were at even higher risk.

    Marriage, exercise, high social class, not smoking, and drinking moderate amounts of alcohol diminished the risks somewhat, but the association between feeling satisfied and living longer remained.

    ``Perhaps the coping capacity...is not adequate in those men who are less able to create a stable intimate partnership or earn their living,'' Koivumma-Honkanen suggested.

    She added that it is not clear if these men had risky health behaviors already or whether they developed these behaviors later in life.

    The team also found that men were less satisfied than women overall. And men were more likely to smoke and drink alcohol, according to the report published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

    Koivumma-Honkanen said the study findings underscore the importance of feeling satisfied--particularly for men.

    ``It is not enough for a human being to earn money and be in physically good condition. One should respect mental health as well,'' she said.

    SOURCE: American Journal of Epidemiology 2000;152:983-991., 百拇医药