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    In-depth coverage about

    Women's Health

    Related News Stories

    · Aspirin May Lower Cancer Risk - AP (Mar 7, 2001)

    · Sexual Function Improves After Fibroid Procedure - Reuters (Mar 7, 2001)

    · Study Suggests Aspirin Cuts Ovarian Cancer Risk - Reuters (Mar 7, 2001)
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    · Study: Smoke Affects Smokers Wives - AP (Mar 7, 2001)

    · Feet suffer for fashion - BBC (Mar 6, 2001)


    Opinion & Editorials

    · Women in Hiding - ChickClick (Feb 5, 2001)

    · Are bras really bad for your health? - The Guardian (Oct 31, 2000)

    · Women must get equal health coverage - Anchorage Daily News (Oct 20, 2000)
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    Related Web Sites

    · JAMA Women's Health Information Center - resources from the Journal of the American Medical Association. Includes STD Information Center and Contraception Information Center.

    · National Women's Health Resource Center - educates healthcare consumers by providing access to a wealth of information and resources on women's health issues.

, 百拇医药     · The National Women's Health Information Center (NWHIC) - provides resources and materials for consumers and professionals. Includes an En Espanol section and a Body Image section.

    · WomanHealth.Net - the obstetrics and gynecology patient education Web site for Saints Memorial WomanHealth.

    · Women's Health Interactive - to create a place for women to proactively learn about their health and health-related issues.
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    Magazine Articles

    · What women eat - The Guardian (Feb 26, 2001)

    · I'm no Heidi - Salon (Feb 20, 2001)

    · What's causing early puberty? - Salon (Jan 19, 2001)



    · Estrogen not a treatment for heart disease: study - CBC (Aug 24, 2000)
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    News Sources

    · CNN Health: Women

    · Mayo Clinic: Women抯 Health Center

    · NY Times: Women's Health

    Related Full Coverage

    · Birth Control

    · Breast Cancer

    · Breast Implant Issues

    · Fertility Issues
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    Yahoo! Categories

    · Women's Health

    · Obstetrics and Gynecology

    · Autoimmune Diseases


    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may help some postmenopausal women avoid the suffocating chest pain of angina, according to results of a study.

    After menopause, there is a decrease in women's estrogen levels. Estrogen supplements seem to improve the function of the lining of arteries, in turn preventing spasms in the vessels that supply blood to the heart, researchers explain. These spasms cause various forms of heart disease including ``variant'' angina.
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    Dr. Hiroaki Kawano and colleagues from Kumamoto University School of Medicine in Japan gave 15 postmenopausal women who suffered from variant angina an estrogen patch for 2 days, followed by an inactive placebo patch.

    On the first, third and fifth days of the study, researchers asked women to hyperventilate for 6 minutes, a maneuver designed to trigger an anginal attack. The investigators found that angina was triggered on days one and five, but not day three--after 2 days of wearing the patch.
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    Hormone replacement therapy helps women control symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes. It can help prevent the bone-thinning disease osteoporosis, and has been shown to protect the heart. According to Dr. Joseph V. Messer from the American College of Cardiology, the latest findings suggest another benefit.

    ``This is another way in which HRT may benefit the arteries of the heart,'' Messer told Reuters Health. ``These findings tend to tip the scale toward using HRT in postmenopausal women, so long as there are no reasons not to use HRT, such as a personal history or family history of breast cancer,'' he said. The hormones in HRT may increase some women's risk for the cancer.
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    ``We have known for some time that HRT has some beneficial effect,'' Messer said. ``The effects of these agents in dilating blood vessels (and preventing spasms of the blood vessels) has been known, so we were not surprised but pleased that additional information has been found,'' he added.

    Messer also pointed out that women with variant angina represent a relatively small subgroup of the total population of women with angina, ``so it will be necessary to repeat these studies in women who have other types of angina.''

    SOURCE: Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2001;37:735-740., http://www.100md.com

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