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http://www.100md.com 2001年10月12日 好医生
     NEW ORLEANS (Reuters Health) - Amniotic fluid extracted during amniocentesis may be a useful source of cells for fetal tissue engineering and stem cell research, according to a study reported at the 87th Clinical Congress of the American College of Surgeons.

    Dr. Amir Kaviani and colleagues from Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital in Boston harvested cells from amniocentesis performed on 6 women at 15 to 19 weeks' gestation. The cells were cultured in a serum-rich medium to promote rapid growth. A subpopulation of morphologically distinct cells was mechanically isolated and selectively expanded.

    Cell lineage was determined by immunofluorescent staining. The researchers identified mesenchymal cells for expansion. After expansion, amniocyte colonies were seeded onto an unwoven 1-mm-thick polyglycolic acid polymer (PGA) scaffold and acellular human dermis for 72 hours. During this period, no cell death was observed, Dr. Kaviani said.

    Examination with electron microscopy revealed that the amniocyte constructs "had dense cell layers and good adhesion to the PGA and acellular scaffolds," Dr. Kaviani said.

    The cell growth was unexpectedly robust, he continued. "With just 2 ml of amniotic fluid we can grow 20,000 cells and 80% of these are viable. In a single day, 500,000 million cells are available," Dr. Kaviani said.

    In an interview with Reuters Health, Dr. Kaviani said that he and his colleagues believe that amniotic fluid will also serve as a good source for stem cells. But he said their research will first concentrate on developing engineered fetal tissue for use in surgical repair of congenital defects. These surgeries, including repair of wall defects, are most successful when done at birth, but the lack of available fetal tissue is an impediment to surgery.

    Dr. Dario O. Fauza, senior investigator for the study, said amniotic fluid extracted at amniocentesis can be frozen and theoretically could supply tissue "for surgery at any age.", 百拇医药