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http://www.100md.com 2001年10月23日 好医生
     Though phase I trials are designed primarily to define doses and toxicity rather than measure anti-tumor response, the interim results so far indicate that J591, attached to either 90Y or 177Lu, helped reduce prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels by as much as 85%.

    Reductions in PSA, a protein in the blood produced by prostate cells, generally reflect whether a prostate cancer is worsening or improving. Results of previously published clinical trials indicate that treatment-related PSA declines of 50% or higher correlate with improved survival, according to Millennium.

    Lindenboom said that investigators are still enrolling patients in the phase I trials. Though Millennium expects to advance J591 to phase II testing, it is not sure when it will complete the phase I trials, said Lindenboom.

    Millennium said that the low frequency of side effects might be due, in part, to the fact that J591 was humanized, or altered, to minimize the chances that the body's immune system would develop an allergic response to it.

    "While it is not clear that hormonal therapy provides any [prostate cancer] survival benefit, it is clear that it causes significant side effects," said lead study investigator Dr. Neil Bander, in a statement. "Early investigation into J591 suggests that it is a promising new therapy that could fill a substantial unmet medical need."

    Millennium acquired the rights to develop J591from New York-based BZL Biologics, Inc. in April. Millennium and BZL will co-develop products for a prostate cancer indication through a specific clinical point. Beyond that point, Millennium will develop, manufacture and market all antibody-based therapies and diagnostics for all indications. Millennium will pay BZL potential milestones and royalties for products that reach the market and also obtained an exclusive global license to parts of BZL's oncology portfolio.

    In Friday afternoon trade on the NASDAQ, shares of Millennium rose 0.779 to 22.779.

    -New York Newsroom 212 273 1700

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