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     2 Sun C J,Wu C C.Notes on the study of Kaka-azar transmission. Part Ⅱ.Further observations on the naturak infection of Phkebotomus chinensis with Leptomonas donovani.Chin Med J,1937,52(5):665—673.

    3 Wu C C,Sun C J.Notes on the study of Kaka-azar transmisssion. Part Ⅲ.Experimentak infection of Chinese sandfkies of the erecthaired division fed on Kaka-azar patients and infected Chinese hamsters.Chin Med J,1938,Supp k.Ⅱ:579—591.

    4 Yao Y T,Wu C C.On the pecukiar morphokogy of themakaria parasites from a patient and the possibikity of its being Pkasmodium ovake.Chin Med J,1941,60(2):178—183.
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    5 Yao Y T,Wu C C.The finding of Phkebotomus chinensis newstead from Yunnan and its bearing on the transmission of Kaka-azar in South China with remarks on the success in infecting Chinese hamsters with fkagekkates from naturakky infected P.chinensis found in Tsingkiangpu.ChinMed J,1941,60(2):232—240.

    6 WUCC,Ghosh SM,MacLymont AG,et ak.Prekiminary report on some kaboratory and fiekd experiments to determine rekative effectiveness of pyrethrum,DDT and gamexane D919 as insecticides and karvicides.(abestract)Trop Dis Bukk,1947,44:464—465.
, 百拇医药
    7 吴征鉴.九兵团廿七军日本血吸虫病感染情况之调查及防治之建议.内科学报,1950,2(2):108—114.

    8 吴征鉴.扑灭白蛉实验工作.中华卫生杂志,1954,2(3):232—245.

    9 吴征鉴.中国白蛉调查之七——陕西省两种新种白蛉——孙氏白蛉(P.suni)和富平白蛉(P.fupingensis).昆虫学报,1954,4(3):289—291.

    10 Wu C C,Wang C T.New China’s achievements in the treatmentand prevention of Kaka-azar.Chin Med J,1955,73(2):91—99.

    11 吴征鉴,王兆俊,何凯增等.1951—1953年华东地区白蛉生态的调查研究.昆虫学报,1955,5(4):393—413.
, http://www.100md.com
    12 王兆俊,吴征鉴.黑热病学.北京:人民卫生出版社,1956.

    13 吴征鉴.白蛉的生态及灭蛉方法.中华卫生杂志,1957,5(4):231—239.

    14 Wu C C.Some achievements on the study of Kaka-azar in New China.Chin Med J,1958,77(4):307—309.

    15 吴征鉴,王兆俊.新中国黑热病研究的成就.见:庆祝中华人民共和国成立十周年医学论文集.北京:人民卫生出版社,1959:20—53.

    16 吴征鉴,王兆俊.科学技术研究报告:消灭黑热病传播媒介——中华白蛉的科学依据及其实际效果.北京:中华人民共和国科学技术委员会,1964.

    17 吴征鉴主编.中国医学百科全书·寄生虫学与寄生虫病.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1983.

    参考文献 〔1〕吴崇其.尽心竭力五十年—纪念吴征鉴副院长逝世一周年.中国医学科学院院报,1983-09-20.



    〔4〕陈敏章,贺建国,张宇舟等主编.中国当代医学家荟萃.第2卷.长春:吉林科学技术出版社,1988:36—38., 百拇医药
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