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     路透社纽约健康消息 去年12月20日《美国医学会杂志》的报导,与睡眠有关的呼吸问题常发生在肥胖及超重的成年人身上,大大增加了他们心脏病发作、高血压、中风及英年早逝的危险性。研究结果显示:肥胖和超重的成年人,即使是轻度减轻体重也可以减少与睡眠有关的呼吸问题。



, 百拇医药     为研究减轻体重是否对此能有帮助,研究人员对接近700个患有与睡眠有关的呼吸问题的成年人进行了超过4年的监测。 研究结果显示:体重减轻10%以上即可使症状得到改善,如果体重减轻更多,则症状改善更明显。相反,如果体重增加10%,则发生睡眠呼吸障碍的可能性增加5倍。


    Weight Loss Improves Breathing Problems During Sleep

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) -- Even modest weight loss can lower the risk of sleep-related breathing problems in obese and overweight adults, study findings suggest.

, 百拇医药     According to the report in the December 20th issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association (news - web sites), sleep-related breathing problems, which occur frequently in obese and overweight adults, can increase the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke and premature death.

    While the nightly use of special devices designed to keep airways open may be used to provide relief for some people, this therapy may be too extreme for patients with only mild symptoms, explain Dr. Paul E. Peppard and colleagues from the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine in Madison.
, 百拇医药
    ``Since the prevalence of overweight and obesity are high and increasing in the US, we can expect a greater prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing and its related morbidity and costs,‘‘ Peppard told Reuters Health.

    To investigate whether weight loss could help, the researchers monitored nearly 700 adults who suffered from sleep-related breathing problems over a 4-year period.

    Symptoms improved for those who lost at least 10% of their body weight, findings show, with greater improvements seen in those who lost more weight. Conversely, individuals who gained 10% of their body weight were six times more likely to develop breathing problems during sleep.
, 百拇医药
    Peppard explained in an interview that a lower lung capacity and greater oxygen requirement put overweight individuals at risk of breathing problems during sleep. In addition, fatty deposits around the upper airway, or the pharynx, increase resistance to airflow.

    ``In sleep, this may lead to periods of reduced breathing due to a more narrow airway, or temporary cessation of breathing due to airway collapse,‘‘ he said.

    Nearly 25% of middle-aged men and slightly less than 10% of middle-aged women suffer from at least mild sleep-disordered breathing, Peppard estimates.

    SOURCE: The Journal of the American Medical Association 2000;284:3015-

    载自家庭医生医疗保健网, 百拇医药

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