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    Li, Y.-M. et al. Photoactivated g-secretase inhibitors

    directed to the active site covalently label presenilin-1. Nature 405,689–694 (2000).

    Esler, W. P. et al. Transition-state analogue

    inhibitors of g-secretase bind directly to presenilin-1. Nature Cell

    Biology 2, 428–434 (2000).

    Li, Y.-M. et al. Presenilin-1 is linked with g-secretase activity in the detergent solubilized state. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci USA

    97, 6138–6143 (2000).


    Wolfe, M. S., De Los Angeles, J., Miller, D. D., Xia,W. & Selkoe, D. J. Are presenilins intramembrane-cleaving

    proteases? Implications for the molecular mechanism of Alzheimer's disease. Biochemistry 38, 11223–11230 (1999).

    News and Views

    De Strooper, B. Closing in on g-secretase. Nature 405,627–629 (2000).

    Further reading

    Selkoe, D. J. & Wolfe, M. S. In search of g-secretase: presenilin at the cutting edge. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 97,5690–5692 (2000).


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