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http://www.100md.com 2001年3月1日 中国生物信息
     Murtra etal.报道P物质可能与痛觉截然相反的现象-愉悦刺激有关。

    Murtra etal.发现神经激肽-1在小鼠脑内主要表达于丝状体复合物,包括nucleus

    basalis和nucleus accumbens,这些区域已知是与自然奖励刺激(natural

    reward stimuli)有关的。他们进一步将神经激肽-1敲除小鼠用吗啡刺激,对照组小鼠对存在吗啡的地区有更多的倾向性,而突变组似乎蛮不在乎,在去除吗啡后,突变组小鼠表现的药物依赖性也比对照组小得多。


    Section of a mouse brain

    stained with an antibody against neurokinin-1. The receptor is mostly

    expressed in the striatal complex, including the nucleus accumbens.

    Image courtesy of C. Gadd, P. Murtra & S. Hunt (University College



    Original research paper

    Murtra, P., Sheasby, A. M., Hunt, S. P. & De

    Felipe, C. Rewarding effects of opiates are absent in mice lacking the

    receptor for substance P. Nature 405, 180–183 (2000). REVIEWS

    Koob, G. F., Sanna, P. P. & Bloom, F. E. Neuroscience of addiction. Neuron 21, 467–476 (1998).

    Mogil, J. S., Yu, L. & Basbaum, A. I. Pain genes?:

    Natural variation and transgenic mutants. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 23,777–811 (2000).

    Further reading

    De Felipe, C. et al. Altered nociception, analgesia and aggression in mice lacking the receptor for substance P. Nature 392,394–397 (2000).

    Nichols, M. L. et al. Transmission of chronic Nociception by spinal neurons expressing the substance P receptor.

    Science 286, 1558–1561 (1999).


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