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http://www.100md.com 2001年3月1日 中国生物信息
     Drosophila egg chamber. [Image courtesy of David Bilder and Norbert Perrimon, Harvard University.]


    180。今年克隆了诸多的表皮LAP蛋白,这个家族得已迅速壮大。这些新克隆的蛋白有果蝇的Scribble,线虫的LET-413和脊椎动物的ERBIN。所有这些家族成员都在表皮细胞中发现,对细胞极性形成及形态发生有重要功能,Bilder and Perrimon最近在Science上报道,果蝇的Scribble与著名的肿瘤抑制子Lgl(lethal

    giant larvae)和Dlg(discs large)作用于相同的途径,也是一个肿瘤抑制子。


    rich repeat和C端的PDZ domain这两种结合蛋白的结构域而得名,LRR and PDZ protein。

    今年早些时候,Bilder and Perrimon在Nature上报道, Scribble对于果蝇胚胎表皮细胞的极性形成和形态发生是必需的。他们又深入进行研究,证明Scribble不仅对于胚胎发育必需,它在许多成体组织中对于表皮结构的维持也是非常重要的。Scribble失活后会导致与lgl、dlg突变一样的表型――细胞过度增殖。而且,Lgl与Dlg也对于表皮细胞极化是必需的,Genetic




    Original research paper

    Bilder, D. & Perrimon,N. Cooperative regulation of cell polarity and growth by Drosophila

    tumor suppressors. Science 289, 113–116 (2000). [PubMed]

    Further reading

    Peifer, M. Travel bulletin

    — traffic jams cause tumors. Science 289, 67–69 (2000).

    Bilder, D. &

    Perrimon, N. Localization of apical epithelial determinants by the

    basolateral PDZ protein Scribble. Nature 403, 676–680 (2000). [Full text]

    Bilder, D. et al.

    Collective nomenclature for LAP proteins. Nature Cell Biol. 2, E114 (2000). [Full text]

    Borg, J.-P. et al.

    ERBIN: a basolateral PDZ protein that interacts with the mammalian

    ERBB2/HER2 receptor. Nature Cell Biol. 2, 407–414 (2000). [Full text]

    Legouis, R. LET-413 is

    a basolateral protein required for the assembly of adherens junctions

    in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nature Cell Biol. 2, 415–422 (2000).

    [Full text]


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