Photograph courtesy of Sharon Freeman (Merck Sharp and Dohme Laboratories).
Neuroscience上, McKernan etal.开发出一个与diazepam几乎同样疗效但副作用少得多的新药物。
Rudolph etal.在Nature上报道,突变了α1亚基的小鼠由diazepam引起的镇静副作用下降,但抗焦虑功效不受影响。McKernan etal.的进一步研究确证了此突变体小鼠由diazepam引起的运动共济失调症状也有所减轻。他们由此开发出一种新药L-838,417,它作用在GABAA的一系列受体上都可表现出与diazepam类似的活性,唯独对包括α1亚基的五聚体受体没有作用。当L-838,417对野生型小鼠给药时,能够减轻焦虑症状,却没有运动共济失调和镇静等副作用。
, 百拇医药
虽然对小鼠焦虑的行为学测试是否能真实的量度人类焦虑的问题尚有疑问,但可以肯定的是L-838,417确实是针对焦虑状态一个神奇的药物,而且,Rudolph etal.和McKernan etal.的这项研究让我们看到了将分子遗传学手段与医药化学手段联合起来对临床药物的开发所能起到的巨大推动力。
The elevated plus maze, a commonly used animal model of anxiety. The experimenter places the mouse on the central platform and measures the time it spends in the open arms. Anxiolytics increase
this time as well as the number of occasions the mouse ventures into
, 百拇医药
the open. Photograph courtesy of Roy Hammans (Merck Sharp and Dohme Laboratories).
Original research papers
McKernan et al. Sedative but not anxiolytic properties
of benzodiazepines are mediated by the GABAA receptor a1 subtype. Nat.
Neurosci. 3, 587–592 (2000).
Rudolph et al. Benzodiazepine actions mediated by
, 百拇医药
specific g-aminobutyric acidA receptor subtypes. Nature 401, 796-800 (1999).
News and Views tecott, L. H. Designer genes and anti-anxiety drugs.
Nat. Neurosci. 3, 529–530 (2000).
Wisden, W. & Stephens, D. N. Towards better
benzodiazepines. Nature 401, 751-752 (1999). REVIEWS
Barnard, E. A. et al. International Union of Pharmacology. XV. Subtypes of g-aminobutyric acid A receptors:
, 百拇医药
classification on the basis of subunit structure and receptor
function. Pharmacol. Rev. 50, 291–313 (1998).
Costa, E. From GABAA receptor diversity emerges a
unified vision of GABAergic inhibition. Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol.
38, 321-350 (1998)
新技术—其他文章, 百拇医药
Neuroscience上, McKernan etal.开发出一个与diazepam几乎同样疗效但副作用少得多的新药物。
Rudolph etal.在Nature上报道,突变了α1亚基的小鼠由diazepam引起的镇静副作用下降,但抗焦虑功效不受影响。McKernan etal.的进一步研究确证了此突变体小鼠由diazepam引起的运动共济失调症状也有所减轻。他们由此开发出一种新药L-838,417,它作用在GABAA的一系列受体上都可表现出与diazepam类似的活性,唯独对包括α1亚基的五聚体受体没有作用。当L-838,417对野生型小鼠给药时,能够减轻焦虑症状,却没有运动共济失调和镇静等副作用。
, 百拇医药
虽然对小鼠焦虑的行为学测试是否能真实的量度人类焦虑的问题尚有疑问,但可以肯定的是L-838,417确实是针对焦虑状态一个神奇的药物,而且,Rudolph etal.和McKernan etal.的这项研究让我们看到了将分子遗传学手段与医药化学手段联合起来对临床药物的开发所能起到的巨大推动力。
The elevated plus maze, a commonly used animal model of anxiety. The experimenter places the mouse on the central platform and measures the time it spends in the open arms. Anxiolytics increase
this time as well as the number of occasions the mouse ventures into
, 百拇医药
the open. Photograph courtesy of Roy Hammans (Merck Sharp and Dohme Laboratories).
Original research papers
McKernan et al. Sedative but not anxiolytic properties
of benzodiazepines are mediated by the GABAA receptor a1 subtype. Nat.
Neurosci. 3, 587–592 (2000).
Rudolph et al. Benzodiazepine actions mediated by
, 百拇医药
specific g-aminobutyric acidA receptor subtypes. Nature 401, 796-800 (1999).
News and Views tecott, L. H. Designer genes and anti-anxiety drugs.
Nat. Neurosci. 3, 529–530 (2000).
Wisden, W. & Stephens, D. N. Towards better
benzodiazepines. Nature 401, 751-752 (1999). REVIEWS
Barnard, E. A. et al. International Union of Pharmacology. XV. Subtypes of g-aminobutyric acid A receptors:
, 百拇医药
classification on the basis of subunit structure and receptor
function. Pharmacol. Rev. 50, 291–313 (1998).
Costa, E. From GABAA receptor diversity emerges a
unified vision of GABAergic inhibition. Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol.
38, 321-350 (1998)
新技术—其他文章, 百拇医药