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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社纽约健康消息 据报导,科学家们在寻找防止化疗所致脱发的研究中取得一项新的突破,这种还在试验阶段的化合物能让接受化疗的实验鼠毛发脱落减少高达50%。


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    Compounds Prevent Chemotherapy-Induced Hair Loss

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Scientists reported Thursday that they had made a breakthrough in the search for a way to prevent the hair loss that is a common and distressing side effect of chemotherapy. They showed that an experimental compound reduced hair loss by up to 50% in rats given chemotherapy.
, 百拇医药
    Many chemotherapy drugs work by targeting cells that are dividing rapidly, including cancer cells. But because cells in hair follicles also divide frequently, an unwanted side effect of treatment is often hair loss.

    ``Chemotherapy does not distinguish between cancer and normal proliferating cells,‘‘ the study‘s lead author, Dr. Stephen T. Davis, of Glaxo Wellcome Research and Development in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, told Reuters Health.
, 百拇医药
    Davis and his colleagues developed compounds that target an enzyme called CDK2, which is a switch for turning on the cell-division process. By blocking this enzyme, the researchers hoped to prevent chemotherapy-induced hair loss.

    The results of tests in rats look promising, the authors report in the January 5th issue of the journal Science. When a CDK inhibitor was applied to the scalps of rats that were undergoing common types of chemotherapy, hair loss was reduced in 33% to 50% of the animals.
, 百拇医药
    The research is the first step in an ``exciting path of drug discovery,‘‘ according to Davis. He noted that the compounds prevented hair loss only in the spots where they were applied, not in other parts of the rats‘ bodies, suggesting that they would not interfere with the cancer-fighting abilities of chemotherapy.

    ``Although chemotherapy-induced alopecia (hair loss) is considered a reversible side effect, the traumatic visual reminder and the stigma...reinforces a sense of helplessness and the perception that the patient may not survive his or her disease,‘‘ Davis and his colleagues write.
, 百拇医药
    ``On the basis of the evidence presented here, clinical trials in cancer patients to assess the efficacy of this approach to prevent chemotherapy-induced alopecia may be warranted,‘‘ the authors conclude.

    But despite the promising preliminary results, Davis said that the compounds used in the study must undergo further safety tests in animals before they can be tested in human clinical trials.

    SOURCE: Science 2001;291:134-137., 百拇医药