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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社纽约健康消息 新的研究显示,当妻子开始埋怨丈夫在家干家务事太少,而她们的丈夫并不否认这一点时,婚姻有可能出现危机。研究者警告,就是这些看似微不足道的埋怨,常常是他们的婚姻关系较紧张的征兆。上述报告发表在二月份的《个性与社会心理学杂志》上。


, 百拇医药


    Complaints About Chores May Signal Marital Stress

    NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Mothers who complain that their husbands do little work around the house may find that their husbands agree with them, new study findings show. But researchers warn that these ‘minor‘ complaints are often symptomatic of deeper stressors within the marriage.
, 百拇医药
    ``Women, even those working full-time, still perform the bulk of household chores and child care. And both women and men, when asked, perceive this to be unfair in an objective sense,‘‘ study author Margaret Clark of the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh told Reuters Health.

    Yet, she added, this unbalance does not seem to bother couples as long as overall levels of discord in the relationship are low.

    However, Clark said, once more stress is introduced--such as with the birth of a child--conflict may follow.
, 百拇医药
    ``(M)embers of the couple may begin to pay more attention to these inequities and then issues of fairness may come to the fore,‘‘ she explained.

    In a study of 181 couples, Clark and co-author Nancy K. Grote of the University of Pittsburgh found many husbands and wives agreeing that the distribution of housework was unfair--especially during the few months immediately preceding and following the birth of a child. Wives also reported more marital conflict and less marital satisfaction during this time period, the authors report in the February issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
, 百拇医药
    As the child reached 6 months to one year, many wives and husbands reported decreased marital satisfaction and the husbands ``reported a further decline in perceived fairness,‘‘ Clark and Grote write.

    ``If distress and conflict is high, that is a signal that whatever inequities in household labor exist is causing strain on someone (most likely the wife) and some adjustments ought to be made in household work,‘‘ Clark said.

    The bottom line? Men and women, according to Clark, should pay attention to their partners‘ needs and desires in the relationship if they want to keep minor conflicts from escalating into major marital strife.

    SOURCE: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 2001;80:281-293., 百拇医药