路透社纽约健康消息 加拿大预防医学专家小组指出,一直对40至69岁妇女推荐的乳房自我检查无益有害。该结论发表在近期《加拿大医学会杂志》上。
, http://www.100md.com
, 百拇医药
Breast Self-Exams Don‘t Help Older Women: Study
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Women between the ages of 40 and 69 should not be taught to perform breast self-examination, says the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.
``From reviewing the literature there is no evidence of any reduction in breast cancer mortality from regularly performed breast self-examinations or breast self-examination education,‘‘ Dr. Nancy Baxter, from the University of Toronto, told Reuters Health.However, not all experts agree that the practice, which has been widely recommended to women for years, is without merit.
, http://www.100md.com
``We feel there is value is doing a breast self examination and continue to feel that way,‘‘ said Joann Schellenbach, a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society (news - web sites). ``Women who examine their breasts regularly become very sensitive to changes in the breast tissue and are more likely to find cancers when they are smaller.‘‘
In a new analysis, Baxter and colleagues looked at eight studies published between 1966 and October 2000 that looked at the effectiveness of breast self-examination in reducing mortality from breast cancer.
, 百拇医药
According to Baxter, the data did not show any benefit from regular breast self-examinations or breast self-examination education compared with no breast self-examination.
The analysis also revealed evidence that breast self-examination instruction could in fact be harmful, the research team reports in the June 26th issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. For example, some studies found higher rates of benign biopsy results among women assigned to learn self-examination than among women who didn‘t learn the technique. A biopsy is a test in which a small sample of tissue is removed and examined for evidence of disease.
, 百拇医药
The task force recommends that women 40 to 69 years of age not be taught breast self-examination. For women older than 70 years of age, the task force says, there is not enough evidence to make a recommendation as to the benefit of breast self-examination.
For women younger than 40, the task force says there is little evidence of the effectiveness of breast self-examination, adding that ``because the incidence of breast cancer is low in this age group, the risk of net harm from breast self-examination and breast self-examination instruction is even more likely.‘‘
, http://www.100md.com
``Women do find breast lumps and they do find breast cancers themselves. Most are not found during breast self-examination,‘‘ Baxter said. ``Women should remain aware of their breasts when they are showering, when they are dressing and during sexual relations, and if they do find anything it is very important that they contact their physician.‘‘
``We agree with the task force that there is still not much evidence breast self-examination helps and that there is more evidence it can harm,‘‘ Drs. Suzanne W. Fletcher, from Harvard Medical School (news - web sites) in Boston, and a colleague write in a journal editorial.
``Clinicians have much stronger evidence for mammography and well-done clinical breast examination, and we should emphasize these screening methods with our patients,‘‘ the editorialists advise.
SOURCE: Canadian Medical Association Journal 2001;164:1837-1846,1851-1852., 百拇医药
, http://www.100md.com
, 百拇医药
Breast Self-Exams Don‘t Help Older Women: Study
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Women between the ages of 40 and 69 should not be taught to perform breast self-examination, says the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.
``From reviewing the literature there is no evidence of any reduction in breast cancer mortality from regularly performed breast self-examinations or breast self-examination education,‘‘ Dr. Nancy Baxter, from the University of Toronto, told Reuters Health.However, not all experts agree that the practice, which has been widely recommended to women for years, is without merit.
, http://www.100md.com
``We feel there is value is doing a breast self examination and continue to feel that way,‘‘ said Joann Schellenbach, a spokesperson for the American Cancer Society (news - web sites). ``Women who examine their breasts regularly become very sensitive to changes in the breast tissue and are more likely to find cancers when they are smaller.‘‘
In a new analysis, Baxter and colleagues looked at eight studies published between 1966 and October 2000 that looked at the effectiveness of breast self-examination in reducing mortality from breast cancer.
, 百拇医药
According to Baxter, the data did not show any benefit from regular breast self-examinations or breast self-examination education compared with no breast self-examination.
The analysis also revealed evidence that breast self-examination instruction could in fact be harmful, the research team reports in the June 26th issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. For example, some studies found higher rates of benign biopsy results among women assigned to learn self-examination than among women who didn‘t learn the technique. A biopsy is a test in which a small sample of tissue is removed and examined for evidence of disease.
, 百拇医药
The task force recommends that women 40 to 69 years of age not be taught breast self-examination. For women older than 70 years of age, the task force says, there is not enough evidence to make a recommendation as to the benefit of breast self-examination.
For women younger than 40, the task force says there is little evidence of the effectiveness of breast self-examination, adding that ``because the incidence of breast cancer is low in this age group, the risk of net harm from breast self-examination and breast self-examination instruction is even more likely.‘‘
, http://www.100md.com
``Women do find breast lumps and they do find breast cancers themselves. Most are not found during breast self-examination,‘‘ Baxter said. ``Women should remain aware of their breasts when they are showering, when they are dressing and during sexual relations, and if they do find anything it is very important that they contact their physician.‘‘
``We agree with the task force that there is still not much evidence breast self-examination helps and that there is more evidence it can harm,‘‘ Drs. Suzanne W. Fletcher, from Harvard Medical School (news - web sites) in Boston, and a colleague write in a journal editorial.
``Clinicians have much stronger evidence for mammography and well-done clinical breast examination, and we should emphasize these screening methods with our patients,‘‘ the editorialists advise.
SOURCE: Canadian Medical Association Journal 2001;164:1837-1846,1851-1852., 百拇医药