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http://www.100md.com 2001年7月26日 家庭医生医疗保健网
     路透社伦敦健康消息 英国公共卫生官员近日发出警告:通过口交而感染上艾滋病的感染率远较人们想象的为高。



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    Experts Call Attention to HIV Risk From Oral Sex

    LONDON (Reuters Health) - British public health officials warned Thursday that the risk of contracting HIV (news - web sites) from oral sex is higher than many people think.
, 百拇医药
    Although oral sex poses a much lower HIV risk than unprotected anal or vaginal intercourse does, recent international research has shown that it could be the cause of as many as 8% of HIV infections resulting from sex between men, according to the UK‘s Public Health Laboratory Service (PHLS).

    ``Most people feel oral sex is not a risk,‘‘ but the latest studies suggest that it leads to 30 to 50 new cases of HIV each year in the UK, according to Dr. Barry Evans, head of the PHLS division of HIV and sexually transmitted infections. These figures are higher than many scientists have thought, he said.
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    ``We‘re not trying to overstate the story, so to speak, by saying oral sex is high-risk,‘‘ Evans told Reuters Health. ``It is not high-risk, but people should realise there is a risk.‘‘ He reiterated that most sexual transmission results from unprotected vaginal or anal sex.

    Other sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis and gonorrhea, are also spread by oral sex. Evans said that recent outbreaks of syphilis in Brighton, Bristol, London and Manchester have largely been driven by unprotected oral sex.
, 百拇医药
    With evidence mounting that oral sex is riskier than previously thought, other UK public health experts are also alerting the public about the danger.

    In recent weeks, a Department of Health expert advisory group on AIDS (news - web sites) circulated a booklet advising that ``the risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections can be reduced by using a condom for all forms of penetrative sex, including oral sex. If a condom is not used, avoiding ejaculation into the mouth probably lessens (but does not eliminate) the risk of HIV transmission.‘‘

    The HIV charity Terrence Higgins Trust has also begun an advertising campaign in the gay press, warning of the health risks of oral sex., http://www.100md.com

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