BETHESDA, Md. (Reuters Health) - Food and Drug Administration (news - web sites) (FDA) advisers on Friday said there was no evidence humans could be infected with a brain-wasting disease that has affected deer and elk.
Some free-ranging deer and elk in small areas of Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska have developed a fatal illness similar to mad cow disease, called chronic wasting disease. The disease, a spongiform encephalopathy, has also been seen in elk raised on farms across the US
The concern is that people who process or eat meat from diseased elk or deer might themselves become sick, as has been seen in people who have eaten infected beef in Europe. Elk antlers--in powdered form--are also used in some countries as an aphrodisiac.
But after hearing from elk breeders and processors, wildlife management specialists, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (news - web sites), and the US Agriculture Department, the FDA's Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies Advisory Committee ruled there was no evidence that chronic wasting disease had jumped from deer and elk into humans.
The disease was first seen in captive deer in 1960, and has been tracked more intensively by agricultural authorities in the wild and on farms since the mid-1990s, said Michael Miller, a wildlife veterinarian with the Colorado Division of Wildlife.
Intensive sampling of wild deer and elk shows the syndrome has not spread beyond the highest prevalence areas in northeastern Colorado, southeastern Wyoming and a tiny corner of southwestern Nebraska, said Miller. The epidemic there seems to sustain itself year after year, he said.
The wasting disease was first seen in farmed elk 11 years ago, Miller said. The American Elk Breeders Association is developing a plan with the US Agriculture Department to contain epidemics and monitor herds for future outbreaks, said Glen Zebarth, a Montana veterinarian and
representative of the group. The program, which would cull out and destroy infected animals, would also apply to deer farms.
Eighteen states have already made the program mandatory for farmers.
About 110,000 elk reside on US farms. Most are not slaughtered, so exposure risk through consumption is low, he said, adding that most deer and venison in American restaurants is from New Zealand.
There is a fear that hunters may be risking illness by eating infected deer and elk meat.
Suspecting a link, the CDC since 1997 has investigated three unusual cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, an illness similar to mad cow disease and chronic wasting disease. The two men and one woman were all young--under 30--which is unusual for CJD. All died shortly after diagnosis.
Ermais Belay, a CDC epidemiologist, said all three had eaten deer and elk, but that the meat did not come from wasting disease endemic areas. After brain tissue sampling and genetic and diagnostic testing of the CJD strains, the CDC concluded that ``there was no strong evidence for a causal link between chronic wasting disease and CJD in these patients,'' said Belay.
The panel agreed.
``I think the prime danger of chronic wasting disease is in a cross contamination,'' that is, to another animal species, said chairman Paul Brown of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke., 百拇医药
参见:首页 > 医疗版 > 疾病专题 > 神经内科 > 脑炎和脑病 婵犵數鍎戠徊钘壝洪悩璇茬婵犻潧娲ら閬嶆煕濞戝崬鏋ゆい鈺冨厴閺屾稑鈽夐崡鐐差潾闁哄鏅滃Λ鍐蓟濞戞ǚ鏋庨煫鍥ㄦ尨閸嬫挻绂掔€n亞鍔﹀銈嗗坊閸嬫捇鏌涢悩宕囥€掓俊鍙夊姇閳规垿宕堕埞鐐亙闁诲骸绠嶉崕鍗炍涘☉銏犵劦妞ゆ帒顦悘锔筋殽閻愬樊鍎旀鐐叉喘椤㈡棃宕ㄩ鐐靛搸婵犵數鍋犻幓顏嗗緤閹灐娲箣閻樺吀绗夐梺鎸庣箓閹峰宕甸崼婢棃鏁傜粵瀣妼闂佸摜鍋為幐鎶藉蓟閺囥垹骞㈤柡鍥╁Т婵′粙鏌i姀鈺佺仩缂傚秴锕獮濠囨晸閻樿尙鐤€濡炪倖鎸鹃崑鐔哥閹扮増鈷戦柛锔诲帎閻熸噴娲Χ閸ヮ煈娼熼梺鍐叉惈閹冲氦绻氶梻浣呵归張顒傜矙閹烘鍊垫い鏂垮⒔绾惧ジ鏌¢崘銊モ偓绋挎毄濠电姭鎷冮崟鍨杹閻庢鍠栭悥鐓庣暦濮椻偓婵℃瓕顦抽柛鎾村灦缁绘稓鈧稒岣块惌濠偽旈悩鍙夋喐闁轰緡鍣i、鏇㈡晜閽樺鈧稑鈹戦敍鍕粶濠⒀呮櫕缁瑦绻濋崶銊у幐婵犮垼娉涢敃銈夊汲閺囩喐鍙忛柣鐔煎亰濡偓闂佽桨绀佺粔鎾偩濠靛绀冩い顓熷灣閹寸兘姊绘担绛嬪殐闁哥姵鎹囧畷婵婄疀濞戣鲸鏅g紓鍌欑劍宀e潡鍩㈤弮鍫熺厽闁瑰鍎戞笟娑㈡煕閺傚灝鏆i柡宀嬬節瀹曟帒顫濋鐘靛幀缂傚倷鐒﹂〃鍛此囬柆宥呯劦妞ゆ帒鍠氬ḿ鎰磼椤旇偐绠婚柨婵堝仱閺佸啴宕掑鍗炴憢闂佽崵濞€缂傛艾鈻嶉敐鍥╃煋闁割煈鍠撻埀顒佸笒椤繈顢橀悩顐n潔闂備線娼уú銈吤洪妸鈺佺劦妞ゆ帒鍋嗛弨鐗堢箾婢跺娲寸€规洏鍨芥俊鍫曞炊閵娿儺浼曢柣鐔哥矌婢ф鏁Δ鍜冪稏濠㈣埖鍔栭崑锝夋煕閵夘垰顩☉鎾瑰皺缁辨帗娼忛妸褏鐣奸梺褰掝棑婵炩偓闁诡喗绮撻幐濠冨緞婢跺瞼姊炬繝鐢靛仜椤曨厽鎱ㄦィ鍐ㄦ槬闁哄稁鍘奸崹鍌炴煏婵炵偓娅嗛柛瀣ㄥ妼闇夐柨婵嗘噹閺嗙喐淇婇姘卞ⅵ婵﹥妞介、鏇㈡晲閸℃瑦顓婚梻浣虹帛閹碱偆鎹㈠┑瀣祦閻庯綆鍠栫粻锝嗙節婵犲倸顏柟鏋姂濮婃椽骞愭惔锝傛闂佸搫鐗滈崜鐔风暦閻熸壋鍫柛鏇ㄥ弾濞村嫬顪冮妶鍡楃瑐闁绘帪绠撳鎶筋敂閸喓鍘遍梺鐟版惈缁夋潙鐣甸崱娑欑厓鐟滄粓宕滃顒夋僵闁靛ň鏅滈崑鍌炴煥閻斿搫孝閻熸瑱绠撻獮鏍箹椤撶偟浠紓浣插亾濠㈣泛鈯曡ぐ鎺戠闁稿繗鍋愬▓銈夋⒑缂佹ḿ绠栭柣鈺婂灠閻g兘鏁撻悩鑼槰闂佽偐鈷堥崜姘额敊閹达附鈷戦悹鍥b偓铏亖闂佸憡鏌ㄦ鎼佸煝閹捐绠i柣鎰綑椤庢挸鈹戦悩璇у伐闁哥噥鍨堕獮鍡涘磼濮n厼缍婇幃鈺呭箵閹烘繂濡锋繝鐢靛Л閸嬫捇鏌熷▓鍨灓缁鹃箖绠栭弻鐔衡偓鐢登瑰暩閻熸粎澧楅悡锟犲蓟濞戙垹绠抽柡鍌氱氨閺嬪懎鈹戦悙鍙夊櫣闂佸府绲炬穱濠囧箻椤旇姤娅㈤梺璺ㄥ櫐閹凤拷