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http://www.100md.com 2005年7月31日 中华道学网

    摘 要:本文对道教养生典籍《道枢》作者生平、成书背景、成书时间、版本源流、养生思想等问题作了较系统细致的探究。作者认为:《道枢》由福建晋江人曾慥编撰于1151年前后;该书的出现与宋代道教发展状况以及曾慥本人的阅历密切相关;《道枢》不同版本在卷数、篇数、文字方面有差异;《道枢》养生主导思想是兼容并用。

    关键词:曾慥 《道枢》 养生

    Textual Research into Daoshu and Its Health-preserving Ideology

    [Abstract] This paper makes a comparatively thorough systematic exploration into Daoshu, an ancient Taoism book on health-preserving, expounding the author’s life, its creation background and time, the origin and development of its editions, and the ideology of health preserving. Daoshu was compiled around 1151 by Zeng Zao from Jinjiang of Fujian Province. Its appearance is closely tied to the development of Taoism in the Song Dynasty and to Zeng Zao’s own experiences; its editions vary in the number of volumes, the number of chapters as well as in characters; and its guiding ideology of health preserving is all-embracement.

    [Key words] Zeng Zao, Daoshu, health preserving

    两宋之际,福建晋江人曾慥编撰的《道枢》辑录总结了南宋以前的各种养生方术,该书特别注意搜罗内丹著述,是道教养生学方面一部相当重要的典籍。对《道枢》作全面深入的研究,于当今道教哲学、史学、医学等学科的建设有添砖加瓦之作用,但是前人对此书的探究基本上止于一般性的介绍,成果零散 ......

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