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http://www.100md.com 2008年2月25日 《中国医药报》 2008.02.25

    Shop assistant: Hello! Welcome. What can I do for you?


    Customer: I want some drugs for diarrhea.


    Shop assistant: Please come with me. Who are they for?


    Customer: For my little nephew, he feels not good with his stool, it seems like water, and he always has bellyache.

    店员:可能是慢性菌痢 。

    Shop assistant: It may be chronic bacterial dysentery. 顾客:什么原因会造成这种情况呢?

    Customer: What causes this?


    Shop assistant: The most common way is that dysentery bacteria spread by dirty hands, food or water, finally enter in alimentary tract by the mouth, infecting the receptor. If it can not be cured within 2 months, that may be chronic bacterial dysentery, it also relates to bacterial resistance or descension of resistibility, often be induced by an improper diet, cold, overstrain or psychological factors.


    Customer: I see, then what drugs can I get for him?


    Shop assistant: You can choose “Lactic Acid Bacteria bacteriocin” or “Medilac-Vita”.


    Customer: Ok, I will take these. Thanks so much.


    Shop assistant: You are welcome. Please get the drugs at counter No. 2.


    Customer: Thanks, goodbye.


    Shop assistant: Goodbye., http://www.100md.com