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http://www.100md.com 2008年3月17日 《中国医药报》 2008.03.17

    Shop assistant: How do you do! Come in please, can I help you?


    Client: I need some berberine


    Shop assistant :This way please! Here you are. Would you like anything else?


    Client: No thank you. By the way, I would like to ask you a question. I will be traveling to a place where there is poor hygiene, so can I take berberine in order to avoid diarrhea?


    Shop assistant: Do you suffer from diarrhea frequently?

    顾客:也是偶尔吧,反正不能冷的、热的一起吃,否则肯定就不好受了。Client: Ocassionally. Anyway, I can't eat cold and hot food at the same time.


    Shop assistant: There are many causes of diarrhea, and berberine has no effect on non-infective stomachache and diarrhea. You shouldn't always take berberine before going out for dinner or on a trip, as it actually results in greater drug resistance. In fact, bacteria can easily counteract a limited preventive dosage of berberine, and will be stronger after taking it repeatedly, which will do you no benefit whatsoever. By frequently taking berberine, diarrhea and bellyache are certain to be worsened and could result in some ill effects you could otherwise have avoided.


    Client: Thank you for telling me this! So there is no need to take berberine beforehand. Goodbye!


    Shop assistant: Goodbye!, 百拇医药