闁哄牏鍠庨崹锟�: 鐎甸偊鍠曟穱濠囧棘閸モ晝褰� 闁革负鍔庨崵搴㈢▕閿斿墽娼� 閻犙冨閺嬧剝绋夌€n厽绁� 闁稿鍎遍幃宥夊级閸屾氨绠� 闁硅翰鍎遍崹鏃堟焻婢跺瞼妞� 闁糕晞娅i、鍛村礌鐠囧樊鍔� 濞戞挻娼欑花銉╁礌鐠囧樊鍔� 闁肩瓔鍨伴锟� 閻庢冻闄勬慨锟� 濞戞搩鍘煎ù妤呭礌鐠囧樊鍔� 闁告鍋嗛弫鎾诲箑閺勫浚鍟�
濞e洦绻傛禒锟�: 闁哄倷鍗冲锟� 閻犲洤瀚锟� 閻熸瑥妫涢崑锟� 閻㈩垱鐡曢惁锟� 闁汇倕澧藉锟� 闁汇儱娲ㄦ慨锟� 闁稿繗宕甸弫锟� 闁烩偓鍔忓畵锟� 闁硅翰鍊楅幃锟� 闁诡兙鍎查弲锟� 闁稿鍎撮棅锟� 缂傚洤楠搁锟� 濞戞挶鍊栭埀顒婃嫹 闁煎弶褰冮崝锟� 闁活澁鎷� 濠靛偊鎷� 闁煎府鎷� 閻忓骏鎷� 闁搞儲绋戦锟� 閻犲洩宕垫晶锟� 闁哄洦娼欓ˇ锟�
濞戞搩鍘肩亸锟�: 閻㈩垱鐡曢惁锟� 闁轰焦鐟﹀ḿ锟� 闁诡剚绻嗛埀顒婃嫹 濞戞搩鍙€瀹擄拷 闁告牞宕甸幃锟� 濞戞挻娼欑花锟� 闂佽棄鐗撻锟� 婵ɑ鍨跺Λ锟� 闁哄倸娲ょ€碉拷 闁戒焦銇炵紞锟� 濡ょ姴鏈弻锟� 闁搞儲宕樺锟� 濡炲鍠撻弸锟� 闁肩瓔鍨虫晶锟� 闁肩瓔鍨粭锟� 闁肩瓔鍨扮粩锟� 闁哄倹濯藉畵锟� 闁瑰吋绮庨崒锟� 闁兼槒椴搁弸锟�
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    第一节 概述

    General description

    一、麦粒肿 hordeolum

    * 病因 Etiology

    * 多为金黄色葡萄球菌感染

    Most are caused by infection of staphylococcus aureus

    临床表现 Clinical finding

    * 患部有红肿热痛的典型急性炎症表现

    There are typical symptoms of acute inflammation such as red,swelling,fever and pain in suffered area.

    * 内麦粒肿 internal herdeolum

    * 外麦粒肿 external herdeolumzhil;liao

    治疗 Treatment

    * 局部热敷,切开排脓。

    local hot compression,incision and drainage.

    二、霰粒肿 Chalazion

    * 临床表现 Clinical findings:

    * 眼睑皮下圆形质块、大小不一。

    * Palpebral subcutaneous round mass with different sizes.

    治疗 Treatment

    * 热敷、手术切除。

    * hot compression,operative excision.

    三、睑缘炎 Blepharitis

    * 眦部睑缘炎 Angular blepharitis

    * 临床表现 Clinical findings

    * 睑缘充血、主觉痛痒及烧灼感。

    There are marginal hyperemia and pain,itching,burning sensation as symptoms.

    治疗 Treatment

    * 以生理盐水或3%硼酸溶液每日清洗睑缘

    Wash the margin with physiological saline or 3% borric acid solution everyday.

    * 涂含有抗生素的油膏

    drop in ointment containing antibiotic.

    第四章 泪器病

    Disease of the lacrimal apparatus

    第一节 泪囊炎 Dacryocystitis

    * 一、慢性泪囊炎Chronic dacryocystitis

    * 临床表现 Clinical findings

    * 泪溢、结膜充血。挤压泪囊区有粘液或粘液脓性分泌物自泪小点流出。

    There are epiphora,conjunctival hyperemia.Press the area of the dacryocystitis there is mucous or mucopurulent secretion flowing out from the lacrimal punctum.

    治疗 Treatment

    * 1 药物治疗 Pharmacotherapy

    抗生素点眼 Drop antibiotic eyedrops

    * 2 手术治疗 Treatment by surgery

    泪囊鼻腔吻合术 Dacryocystorhinostomy


    Acute dacryocystitis

    * 临床表现 Clinical findings

    * 泪囊区有急性炎症的表现

    There is manifestation of acute inflammation in the area of the dacryocyst

    治疗 Treatment

    * 局部热敷、抗生素点眼或全身应用

    * local hot compression,instillation of antibiotic eyedrops,systemic use of antibiotic


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