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    · 临床研究·

    作者单位:250033 济南,山东大学第二医院心内科(隋树建、鹿庆

    华、蒋卫东、杜贻萌) ;山东大学齐鲁医院(姚桂华、张运、张薇)



    隋树建 姚桂华 张运 张薇 鹿庆华 蒋卫东 杜贻萌

    【摘要】 目的 探讨彩色多普勒超声心动图在诊断冠状动脉起源异常中的价值。方法 应用彩色多普勒

    超声心动图对 6 例患者进行检查 ,观察左、右冠状动脉主干的起源部位、走行、血流方向 ,测量冠状动脉主干内

    径、左室射血分数(LVEF) ,观察合并的其他心血管畸形及瓣膜反流情况 ,并与冠状动脉造影、手术结果进行对

    比。结果 4 例左冠状动脉主干起源于肺动脉 ,1 例左前降支起源于肺动脉 ,1 例副冠状动脉起源于肺动脉。主



    ( r分别为 0. 94、 0. 96、 0. 89 ,均 P < 0. 01) ,两种方法测值间差异无显著性意义( P > 0. 05) 。结论 彩色多普勒

    超声心动图可明确诊断冠状动脉起源异常 ,为手术治疗提供可靠依据。

    【关键词】 超声心动描记术;冠状血管畸形

    Value of color Doppler echocardiography in diagnosing anomalous origin of coronary artery SUI S hu2jian 3

    , YAO

    Gui2hua , ZHA N G Yun , et al .


    Department of Cardiology , the Second Hospi tal of S handong University , Jinan

    250033 , China

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the diagnostic value of color Doppler echocardiography in the patients with

    anomalous origin of coronary artery. Methods Six patients were studied using color Doppler echocardiography. The

    origin sites ,running courses ,blood flow directions of coronary arteries , other accompanied cardiovascular abnormalities

    and valvular regurgitations were investigated. The diameters of coronary artery t runks and left vent ricular e jection

    f raction (LVEF) were measured. And the results were compared with those of coronary angiography and surgery.

    Re sults Left coronary artery(LCA) originated f rom pulmonary artery(PA) in 4 cases ,left anterior descending (LAD)

    branch originated f rom PA in 1 case ,and accessory coronary artery originated f rom PA in 1 case. The main accompanied

    cardiovascular abnormalities included vent ricular se ptum defect , at rial septum defect , complete endocardial cushion

    defect ,and so on. For all the patients ,the diagnostic results by echocardiography were consistent with catheterization and

    surgery. High correlations existed between echocardiographic and catheterization measurements for left and right

    coronary artery diameter and LVEF ( r = 0. 94 ,0. 96 ,0. 89 , respectively , all P < 0. 01) , both methods showed no

    significance in the measurement ( P > 0. 05) . Conclusions Color Doppler echocardiography can accurately diagnose the

    patients with anomalous origin of coronary artery , provide reliable information for surgical t reatment .

    【Key words】 Echocardiography ;Coronary vessel anomalies

    冠状动脉起源异常主要包括三种类型[1 ]



    脉) 、右冠状动脉开口于左主动脉窦(或左冠状动脉)和

    冠状动脉起源于肺动脉 ,其中后者又称 Bland2White2

    Garland综合征 ,是一种极为罕见的先天性心血管畸

    形 ,其发病率约占先天性心脏病的 0. 4 %[2 ]。该疾病

    临床表现缺乏特异性 ,预后极差。因此 ,早期诊断和早


    资 料 与 方 法


    自 1997~2003 年在我院拟诊为冠状动脉异常起

    源于肺动脉的患者 6 例 ,其中男 2 例 ,女 4 例 ,年龄

    3~12 岁 ,平均(6. 7 ±3. 6)岁。


    超声心动图检查:采用 Toshiba 6000 型及 HP

    Sonos 5500 型彩色多普勒超声心动图诊断仪 ,探头频

    率为 2~4 MHz。多切面探测左、右冠状动脉的起源

    部位、走行及其血流方向 ,观察合并的其他心血管畸形

    与瓣膜反流情况 ,测量冠状动脉主干内径与左室射血

    · 546 · 中华超声影像学杂志2004 年9 月第13 卷第9 期 Chin J Ult rasonogr ,Sept 2004 ,Vol 13 ,No. 9

    ? 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.分数(LVEF) 。

    冠状动脉造影:采用西门子Angiostar 型数字减影

    血管造影机进行冠状动脉或逆行性主动脉根部造影 ,观察左、右冠状动脉的开口部位、走行 ,以及造影剂在




    冠状动脉的开口部位、空间走行 ,以及所合并的心血管

    畸形 ......
