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    作者单位: 100730中国医学科学院 中国协和医科大学 北京协

    和医院内科 (彭劲民) ,风湿免疫科 (张卓莉、 董怡)

    电子信箱: cassandra731@21cn . com

    白塞病 173例的临床特点分析

    彭劲民 张卓莉 董怡

    【摘要 】 目的 总结白塞病患者的临床特点 ,提高对白塞病的认识。方法 收集北京协和医院

    1983年 1月至 2004年 6月确诊白塞病的 173例患者的临床资料 ,回顾性分析其临床表现、 系统受累

    及在不同性别的发生率和发生时间差异。结果 平均发病年龄为 (28 ± 12)岁 ,病程为 5 (2~10)年。

    173例患者中 ,口腔溃疡是最常见的临床表现 (173例 , 100% ) ,其后依次为外阴溃疡 (128例 , 7410% )

    和眼部受累 (91例 , 5216% )。HLA2 B51阳性率为 41% (16 /39) ,针刺反应阳性率为 6010% (102 /173)。

    口腔溃疡为最常见的首发表现 (119例 , 6812% ) ,其后依次为生殖器溃疡 ( 47例 , 2712% )、 结节红斑

    (28例 , 1612% )。白塞病可以导致重要脏器的病变 ,眼部症状发生在首发症状后平均 1 (0~7)年 ,中

    枢神经系统症状在 4 (2~6)年 ,消化系统症状在 4 (1~7)年 ,大血管症状在 3 (016~4)年。临床表现

    存在显著性别差异的有男性大血管受累较多 (OR = 1016, P < 0101)、 女性血液系统受累较多 (OR =

    01094, P < 0105)。结论 白塞病的临床表现多种多样 ,可累及多个系统 ,存在性别差异。

    【关键词 】 白塞病; 体征和症状; 回顾性研究

    Cl i n i ca l ana lysis for 173 ca ses of Behcet’ s d isea se PENG J in2 m in


    , ZHANG Zhuo2li , DONG Yi1


    Depart m ent of Internal M edicine, Pek ing Union M edical College Hospital , Chinese Academ y of M edical

    Sciences and Pek ing Union M edical College, B eijing 100730, China

    【Abstract】 Objecti ve To sum up clinical characteristics of in2 patientswith Behcet’ s disease, s o t o

    i mp rove our knowledge about it1 Methods Clinical data of 173 cases with Behcet’ s disease admitted t o

    Peking Uni on Medical College Hosp ital during January 1983 t o June 2004 were collected1 Their clinical

    manifestati ons were analyzed retros pectively, including its p revalence by gender and ti me, and involvement in

    the varied organs and systems1 Results Mean age at onset of the 173 patientswas (28 ± 12) years, with an

    average length of clinical course of 5 (2~10) years1 Oral ulcer ( aphtha) was found in all the 173 (100% )

    patients, and then foll owed by genital ulcer in 128 ( 7410% ) cases, and ophthal mol ogic lesi ons in 91

    (5216% ) cases, in a descending order1 Sixteen of 39 cases were positive in HLA2 B51 ( 41% ) and 102 of

    173 (6010% ) caseswere positive for pathergy test1 Oral ulcer ( aphtha) was the initial sign found in 119 of

    173 (6812% ) cases, and then foll owed by genital ulcer in 47 case (2712% ) , and erythema nodosum in 28

    (1612% ) cases1 Pathol ogical changes in several i mportant organs could be caused by Behcet’s disease1

    Ophthal mol ogic lesi ons occurred in one year, symp t oms of the central nervous system occurred in 4 (2~6)

    years, symp t oms of gastr oenterol ogical i mpairment in 4 ( 1~7) years, and symp t oms of large vessels in 3

    (016~4) years after onset of the initial sign in average1 Significant difference in clinical manifestati ons

    bet ween men and women patients could be seen, with more involvements in large vessels in men than in

    women (OR = 1016, P < 0101) , and more involvements in hemat ol ogical in women than in men (OR =

    01094, P < 0105) . Conclusi on Multi p le organs and systems could be involved in Behcet’ s disease with

    diversity of clinicalmanifestati ons and significant difference bet ween men and women patients .

    【Key words】 Behcet’ s disease; Signs and symp t oms ; Retrospective study

    白塞病 (Behcet’ s disease,BD)是一种以血管炎

    为病理基础的系统性自身免疫性疾病 ,可以累及全

    身大、 中、 小各级血管 ,因而临床表现多种多样。BD

    的发病率不仅存在地域差异 ,且不同国家和地区的


    京协和医院近 21年来确诊为 BD的住院患者的临

    床资料 ,以了解中国人 BD的临床特点。


    1 .研究对象:复习 1983年 1月至 2004年 6月

    在北京协和医院住院诊断为 BD的病例 ,共 173例,· 451 · 中华全科医师杂志 2006年 3月第 5卷第 3期 Chin J Gen Pract, March 2006, Vol 5, No . 3所有病例均符合 1990年国际白塞病研究组 ( ISG)

    制定的 BD诊断标准[ 1 ] ......
