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    作者单位:030003 太原,山西医科大学太原钢铁公司职工总医院

    超声科(张全斌、张青兰、刘晓蓉、李朝军、段秀丽) ;山西医科大学附属

    第一医院超声科(刘望彭) ;华中科技大学同济医学院附属协和医院超




    张全斌 刘望彭 王新房 张青兰 刘晓蓉 李朝军 段秀丽

    【摘要】 目的 探讨组织追踪显像( TTI)检测左心室壁各节段运动位移在临床上的应用价值。方法 应用

    TTI技术对 45 例研究对象(对照组 23 例 ,冠心病组 22 例)左心室壁各节段收缩期运动位移进行检测和分析 ,其

    中25 例(正常人10 例 ,冠心病患者15 例)与冠状动脉造影结果对比分析。结果 正常人左室壁各节段收缩期运


    对照组与冠心病组左室壁节段性运动位移值比较差异有显著性意义( P < 0. 001) 。TTI诊断冠心病的敏感性为

    86. 7 %,特异性为 80. 0 %。结论 TTI通过定量检测组织位移来判断左室壁节段性运动能够无创性快速、客观

    和较为准确地评价左室节段性收缩功能和心肌缺血 ,并可以对冠心病室壁节段运动异常进行量化。

    【关键词】 超声心动描记术;组织追踪显像;冠状动脉疾病;心肌收缩;心肌缺血

    Echocardiographic primary study on abnormal regional wall movement of left ventricle in coronary artery disease with tissue

    tracking imaging ZHANG Quanbin


    , L IU Wangpeng , WANG Xinf ang , et al .


    Department of Ult rasonography ,Taiyuan Iron and Steel Complex General Ho spital , S hanxi Medical University , Taiyuan 030003 , China

    【Abstract】 Objective To determine the segmental displacement of left vent ricular movement and its

    characteristics over systole in normal cases and quantitatively evaluate the segmental displacement in coronary artery

    disease (CAD) and explore the clinical application of tissue t racking imaging ( TTI) .Methods Using TTI ,23 normal

    cases(10 of them had been confirmed by coronary angiography) and 22 cases of CAD (15 of them had been confirmed

    by coronary angiography) were observed. The dis placement of the left vent ricular segmental movement was measured

    and analysed with TTI in all cases. Re sults There were some regularities of the left vent ricular segmental movement in

    normal cases. The decrease of the dis placement and the change of color2codes displacement of myocardial tissue and its

    wave curve were shown in abnormal segmental movement in the CAD group. There were obvious differences between

    the displacement values of normal and abnormal segment ( P < 0. 001) . Twenty2 five cases with sus pected CAD

    underwent TTI and their results were compared with those f rom coronary angiography. The sensitivity and specificity of

    TTI for CAD detection were 86. 7 % and 80. 0 %,respectively. Conclusions TTI is a new echo method to estimate left

    vent ricular segmental wall motion by a quantitative measure of tissue dis placement . It could be used to estimate

    segmental systolic function objectively and evaluate myocardial ischemia. TTI can be used as the criteria of abnormal

    regional wall movement .

    【Key words】 Echocardiography ; Tissue t racking imaging ;Coronary disease ;Myocardial cont raction ;Myocardial


    组织追踪显像( tissue t racking imaging , TTI)是基

    于组织多普勒显像的一种新的超声心动图技术 ,它能

    够利用 7 种颜色快速定量检测收缩期左心室所有心肌

    组织向心尖方向的运动距离 ,从而为评价左心室收缩

    功能开辟了一种新的途径。国内外已有研究证实 TTI


    很好的相关性[1 ,2 ]。本研究应用 TTI对正常人收缩期

    左心室壁运动位移进行检测 ,了解左室壁各节段运动

    位移特点 ,初步确定其正常范围 ,并对冠心病心肌缺血

    所致的室壁节段性异常进行检测 ,旨在探讨 TTI技术


    资 料 与 方 法

    健康对照组 23 例 ,男 15 例 ,女 8 例 ,年龄 39~72

    岁 ,平均(55 ±10)岁 ,其中 10 例行冠状动脉造影。冠

    心病组 22 例 ,男 14 例 ,女 8 例 ,年龄 38~75 岁 ,平均

    (60 ±8)岁 , 均经临床表现、心电图及实验室检查确

    诊 ,其中急性心肌梗死 7 例 ,陈旧性心肌梗死 6 例;15

    例做冠状动脉造影(包括心肌梗死 6 例)结果为单支病

    变4 例 ,多支病变 11 例 ,狭窄程度 50 %~100 %(3 例

    50 %~60 % ,12 例 > 70 %) 。所有研究对象无心力衰


    · 185 · 中华超声影像学杂志2002 年10 月第11 卷第10 期 Chin J Ult rasonogr ,October 2002 ,Vol 11 ,No. 10

    ? 1995-2005 Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.使用 GE Vivid Five彩色多普勒诊断仪 ,探头中心

    频率 2. 5 MHz ,具有组织谐波功能 ,帧频 > 200 帧/ s ......
