The term 'cancer' refers to a disparate group of malignant diseases that have one thing in common: uncontrolled division of the cells of an organ or tissue. A mass of cancer cells is known as a tumour. The uncontrolled growth of a tumour results in destruction of surrounding healthy tissue. Spread of tumour cells via the blood or lymphatic system can lead to the formation of secondary growths, or metastases, in other organs or tissues.
? 全球因癌症每年死亡人数约600万
? 我国因癌症死亡数每年约130万
? 按目前趋势预测在2020年随全球人口达80亿,将有2000万新发癌症病人,每年死亡人数达1200万。
? 所以肿瘤的早期发现和早期诊断对肿瘤的预防和治疗至关重要。
? Americans' risk of getting and dying from cancer continues to decline and survival rates for many cancers continue to improve. The "Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1975-2001".
? cancer incidence rates dropped 0.5 percent per year from 1991 to 2001,? Death rates from all cancers combined dropped 1.1 percent per year from 1993 to 2001.
? According to the report's authors, the new data reflect progress in prevention, early detection, and treatment.
中华医学会检验医学分会肿瘤标志物专家委员会,中华检验医学杂志 2004;27(6):393
? 肿瘤标志物(TM)是指在恶性肿瘤发生和增殖过程中,由肿瘤细胞的基因表达而合成分泌的或是由机体对肿瘤反应而异常产生和/或升高的,反映肿瘤存在和生长的一类物质,包括蛋白质、激素、酶(同工酶)、多胺及癌基因产物等。TM存在于病人的血液、体液、细胞或组织中,可用生物化学、免疫学及分子生物学等方法测定,且对肿瘤的辅助诊断、鉴别诊断、观察疗效、监测复法以及预后评价具有一定的价值。
ACS 定义
? Tumor markers are substances produced by cancer cells and sometimes normal cells. They can be found in large amounts in the blood or urine of some patients with cancer. Less often, they can also be found in large amounts in the blood or urine of people who do not have cancer.
? 高特异性
? 高灵敏度
? 组织特异性
? 与肿瘤分型和病程有关
? 与预后相关
? 可靠的检测值
? 起动(initiation)
? 促动(promotion)
? 转化(conversion)
? 进展(progression)
> 胚胎性,如AFP、CEA等
> 糖类抗原,如CA19-9、CA72-4
> 酶类,如ACP、同工酶等
> 激素类,如hCG、甲状旁腺素等
> 蛋白类,如Bence Jones 蛋白
> 基因类,包括促癌基因、抑癌基因等
六十年代 RIA
七十年代 ELISA
八十年代 FIA/CL/CL Enh.
九十年代 ECL
目前 Bio-Chips
第一个肿瘤标志物可追溯到1846年由H Bence-Jones所证实的本周氏蛋白(Bence Jones Protein),150余年后的今天,人们已先后发现了数十种对恶性肿瘤具有一定辅助诊断价值的肿瘤标志物。
人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG) 1930年(Zondek)
促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH) 1932年(Cushing)
酶与同工酶 1959年(Market)
甲胎蛋白 1963年(Abelev)
癌胚抗原 1965年(Freeman)
杂交瘤技术 1975年(Koler; Milstein)
提出肿瘤标志(Tumour Marker), 于1978年召开在美国NCI召开的人类免疫及肿瘤免疫诊断会上由Herberman提出。
癌基因 1980年(Cooper Weinbery; Bishop)
Alpha-fetoprotein (甲胎蛋白、AFP)
? AFP levels are higher in two-thirds of patients with hepatocellular cancer (cancer starting in the liver). Normal levels are less than 20 ng/ml (nanogram/ml).(约2/3原发性肝癌患者血清中AFP升高,正常人群一般不超过20ng/ml)
? The level increases with the size of the tumor. In small tumors, levels may be less than 20. (AFP浓度与肿瘤大小有关 ......
The term 'cancer' refers to a disparate group of malignant diseases that have one thing in common: uncontrolled division of the cells of an organ or tissue. A mass of cancer cells is known as a tumour. The uncontrolled growth of a tumour results in destruction of surrounding healthy tissue. Spread of tumour cells via the blood or lymphatic system can lead to the formation of secondary growths, or metastases, in other organs or tissues.
? 全球因癌症每年死亡人数约600万
? 我国因癌症死亡数每年约130万
? 按目前趋势预测在2020年随全球人口达80亿,将有2000万新发癌症病人,每年死亡人数达1200万。
? 所以肿瘤的早期发现和早期诊断对肿瘤的预防和治疗至关重要。
? Americans' risk of getting and dying from cancer continues to decline and survival rates for many cancers continue to improve. The "Annual Report to the Nation on the Status of Cancer, 1975-2001".
? cancer incidence rates dropped 0.5 percent per year from 1991 to 2001,? Death rates from all cancers combined dropped 1.1 percent per year from 1993 to 2001.
? According to the report's authors, the new data reflect progress in prevention, early detection, and treatment.
中华医学会检验医学分会肿瘤标志物专家委员会,中华检验医学杂志 2004;27(6):393
? 肿瘤标志物(TM)是指在恶性肿瘤发生和增殖过程中,由肿瘤细胞的基因表达而合成分泌的或是由机体对肿瘤反应而异常产生和/或升高的,反映肿瘤存在和生长的一类物质,包括蛋白质、激素、酶(同工酶)、多胺及癌基因产物等。TM存在于病人的血液、体液、细胞或组织中,可用生物化学、免疫学及分子生物学等方法测定,且对肿瘤的辅助诊断、鉴别诊断、观察疗效、监测复法以及预后评价具有一定的价值。
ACS 定义
? Tumor markers are substances produced by cancer cells and sometimes normal cells. They can be found in large amounts in the blood or urine of some patients with cancer. Less often, they can also be found in large amounts in the blood or urine of people who do not have cancer.
? 高特异性
? 高灵敏度
? 组织特异性
? 与肿瘤分型和病程有关
? 与预后相关
? 可靠的检测值
? 起动(initiation)
? 促动(promotion)
? 转化(conversion)
? 进展(progression)
> 胚胎性,如AFP、CEA等
> 糖类抗原,如CA19-9、CA72-4
> 酶类,如ACP、同工酶等
> 激素类,如hCG、甲状旁腺素等
> 蛋白类,如Bence Jones 蛋白
> 基因类,包括促癌基因、抑癌基因等
六十年代 RIA
七十年代 ELISA
八十年代 FIA/CL/CL Enh.
九十年代 ECL
目前 Bio-Chips
第一个肿瘤标志物可追溯到1846年由H Bence-Jones所证实的本周氏蛋白(Bence Jones Protein),150余年后的今天,人们已先后发现了数十种对恶性肿瘤具有一定辅助诊断价值的肿瘤标志物。
人绒毛膜促性腺激素(HCG) 1930年(Zondek)
促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH) 1932年(Cushing)
酶与同工酶 1959年(Market)
甲胎蛋白 1963年(Abelev)
癌胚抗原 1965年(Freeman)
杂交瘤技术 1975年(Koler; Milstein)
提出肿瘤标志(Tumour Marker), 于1978年召开在美国NCI召开的人类免疫及肿瘤免疫诊断会上由Herberman提出。
癌基因 1980年(Cooper Weinbery; Bishop)
Alpha-fetoprotein (甲胎蛋白、AFP)
? AFP levels are higher in two-thirds of patients with hepatocellular cancer (cancer starting in the liver). Normal levels are less than 20 ng/ml (nanogram/ml).(约2/3原发性肝癌患者血清中AFP升高,正常人群一般不超过20ng/ml)
? The level increases with the size of the tumor. In small tumors, levels may be less than 20. (AFP浓度与肿瘤大小有关 ......
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