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    Advanced Skills


    Dr. Baxter Larmon, MICP


    UCLA School of Medicine

    Dr. Atilla üner, MD, MPH

    Assistant Professor

    UCLA School of Medicine

    Airway Skills


    Initial approach


    * Assess breathing评估呼吸: Look 看, listen 听, feel 感觉.

    (< 10 sec.) Absent 无呼吸? Inadequate 呼吸不恰当?

    * If no spontaneous respirations, position victim 如没有自主呼吸,给予患者适当体位.

    * Head-tilt chin-lift or jaw-thrust 头颈提高,下巴抬起, .

    * Reassess breathing: If not adequate, begin ventilations 重新评估呼吸,如仍没有适当呼吸,开始协助换气.

    Dangers of ventilation


    * The thorax has a compliance curve 胸部有顺应的弧线.

    * The thorax is more pliable at lower volumes, and stiffens when inflated to higher volumes 胸部在低容量时较容易扩张,在高容量时较紧张.

    * Too vigorous ventilation inflates the thorax, making it harder to ventilate 太用力的换气会扩充胸部导致较难换气.

    * Now you're squeezing even harder, producing more inflation 如用力过渡会产生更多的充气.

    Dangers of ventilation


    * An inflated thorax has a higher intrathoracic pressure 充气的胸部有较高的胸腔内压力.

    * Higher intrathoracic pressure compresses the vena cava, causing decreased blood return to the heart 高的胸腔内压压迫腔静脉导致回心脏的血液下降.

    * The heart is a pump: Less goes in, less comes out 心脏是一个泵,进来少,出去少.

    * Blood pressure decreases 血压下降.

    Not good.

    Dangers of ventilation


    * Vigorous ventilation leads to pressure exceeding the lower esophageal sphincter tone 用力的换气导致对食道扩约肌肌张力有过多的压力.

    * Gastric inflation 胃部膨胀.

    * Regurgitation and aspiration 反流及吸入.

    * Patients with hiatal hernia, obese, full stomach are at increased risk 病人如有肥胖、胃充满则会增加危险.

    * Dead people have decreased sphincter tone死者有扩约肌张力下降.

    Dangers of ventilation


    * Gastric inflation leads to elevated abdominal pressure 胃部的膨胀导致腹压上升.

    * Elevated abdominal pressure inhibits diaphragm movement腹压上升抑制横膈的活动.

    * Decreased diaphragm movement makes it more difficult to bag降低的横膈的活动使使用呼吸皮囊更加困难.

    * Now you're ventilating even harder, producing more gastric inflation 换气更用力将导致更多的胃部膨胀.

    Dangers of ventilation


    * Hyperventilation leads to alkalosis 过渡换气导致碱中毒.

    * Alkalosis leads to cerebral vasospasm 碱中毒导致脑血管痉挛.

    * Cerebral vasospasm leads to decreased blood flow to the brain脑血管痉挛导致流到脑部的血流减少.

    * This can't be good 这是不好的现象.

    * You and I breathe at a tidal volume of about 500 cc 10-12 times per minute 您与我所呼吸的潮气量是500 西西 约 10-12次每分钟.

    Dangers of ventilation


    * For an 80 kg person, that's 500:80 = 6.25 cc/kg 一位80 公斤的人,约6.25 西西/公斤.

    * That's way less than 10-15 cc/kg 少于10-15西西/公斤

    * An Ambu-bag has 1600 cc volume

    一个充气皮囊有 1600 西西的容量.

    * A good squeeze will produce 800-1000 cc or more. 一个好的压缩会产生 800-1000西西或更多

    * Let's relax, and stop hyperventilating our patients 放松!停止我们对病人的过度换气



    * This is your most important airway skill 这是您最重要的呼吸技能!

    * Best a two or three rescuer procedure 最好在2 或3 人的急救过程 ......
