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2008 年中华医学会全国麻醉学术年会
Akt 信号通路与二氮嗪预处理抗缺氧复氧后大鼠海马神经元
李捷萌 陈彦青 刘荣国 吴晓丹
目的: 探讨 Akt 信号通路与二氮嗪预处理抗缺氧复氧后大鼠海马神经元凋亡作用的关系。 方法:
取离体培养的大鼠海马神经元,随机分为 6 组:对照组(A组) 、缺氧组(B 组) 、缺氧+二氮嗪 100
μmolL 预处理组(C 组) 、缺氧+二氮嗪 100 μmolL+5-羟癸酸 100 μmolL 预处理组(D组) 、缺
氧+5-羟癸酸 100 μmolL 预处理组(E 组) ,缺氧+二氮嗪 100 μmolL+LY294002 50μmolL 预处理
组(F组) ,各组神经元每天给予相应药物预处理 1 h,连续3 d,继而缺氧 4 h 复氧24 h,观察神经
元的活力、凋亡率、Akt、Bcl-2、Bax 蛋白的表达水平。结果:C 组与 B、D、E 3 组缺氧组比较,海马神经元的活力增强,凋亡率降低,Akt、Bcl-2 蛋白表达增强,Bax 蛋白表达减弱(P<0.01) ;F
组与 C 组比较,海马神经元的活力降低,凋亡率增高,Akt、Bcl-2 蛋白表达降低,Bax 蛋白表达增
强(P<0.01) 。结论:Akt信号通路参与或部分参与了二氮嗪预处理抗缺氧复氧后大鼠海马神经元凋
Relation of Akt signal transduction passageway and the mechanism of diazoxide preconditioning for
anti-apoptosis in cultured hippocampal neurons by anoxia- reoxygenation in rats
Li Jiemeng, Chen Yanqing, Liu Rongguo, Wu Xiaodan. Department of Anaesthesiology, Fujian Provincial
Hospital, Fuzhou 350001 CHINA
Abstract Objective To investigate relation of Akt signal transduction passageway and the mechanism
of diazoxide preconditioning for anti-apoptosis in cultured hippocampal neurons by anoxia-reoxygenation
in rats. Methods Isolated cultured hippocampal neurons of rat were assigned into the following six groups
randomly: control group (Group A), diazoxide 0μmolL group (Group B), diazoxide 100 μmolL group
(Group C), diazoxide 100 μmolL and 5-hydroxydecanoate 100 μmolL group (Group D),5-hydroxydecanoate 100 μmolL group (Group E), diazoxide 100 μmolL and LY294002 50 μmolL
group (Group F). The hippocampal neurons were treated with diazoxide 1 h, per day for 3 days before
being subjected to 4 h oxygen deprivation followed by reoxygenation. The neuronal vitality was assayed
and apoptosis rate determined after 24 h reoxygenation. The expression of Akt, Bcl-2 and Bax protein was
determined by western blotting. Results The vitality of hippocampal neurons in Group C is significant
higher than that in Group B, D and E, whereas the apoptotic rate was opposite (P<0.01); Akt, Bcl-2
protein in Group C expressed more intensively than that in Group B, D and E, while Bax protein was
weaken (P<0.01). The vitality of hippocampal neurons in Group F is significant lower than that in Group
C, whereas the apoptotic rate was opposite (P<0.01); Akt, Bcl-2 protein in Group F expressed significant
lower than that in Group C, while Bax protein was strengthen (P<0.01). Conclusions Akt signal
transduction passageway completely or partly mediated the process of diazoxide preconditioning for 2008 年中华医学会全国麻醉学术年会
anti-apoptosis in cultured hippocampal neurons by anoxia-reoxygenation in rats.
Key words Pharmacological preconditioning Hypoxia-tolerance Akt Bcl-2 Bax LY294002
研究发现,开放线粒体内膜 ATP敏感钾通道(Mitochondrial ATP-sensitive Potassiun Channel,mitoKATP)能模拟出脑的缺血预处理效应[1,2]
点[3]。但其机制目前并未完全阐明。本实验采用 SD 大鼠海马神经元离体培养模型,应用四唑蓝比
色法、流式细胞术、Western blot 诸方法,拟观察二氮嗪预处理对缺氧复氧后大鼠海马神经元凋亡
原代 SD大鼠海马神经元的培养 出生<24 h 新生SD大鼠,体重 5~6 g,由北京大学实验动物
15 倍的解剖显微镜下取出海马组织,剪碎(约 1×1×l mm组织块) ,加入含 0.125%胰蛋白酶(Gibeo
公司,美国)的解剖液,在 37℃下,于 5%CO2 培养箱中消化 30 min,以 0.5×106
个ml 的神经元
密度接种在 35 mm无菌培养皿或 96 孔无菌培养板(Coster公司,美国) ,2 ml皿或 100 μl孔 ......
Akt 信号通路与二氮嗪预处理抗缺氧复氧后大鼠海马神经元
李捷萌 陈彦青 刘荣国 吴晓丹
目的: 探讨 Akt 信号通路与二氮嗪预处理抗缺氧复氧后大鼠海马神经元凋亡作用的关系。 方法:
取离体培养的大鼠海马神经元,随机分为 6 组:对照组(A组) 、缺氧组(B 组) 、缺氧+二氮嗪 100
μmolL 预处理组(C 组) 、缺氧+二氮嗪 100 μmolL+5-羟癸酸 100 μmolL 预处理组(D组) 、缺
氧+5-羟癸酸 100 μmolL 预处理组(E 组) ,缺氧+二氮嗪 100 μmolL+LY294002 50μmolL 预处理
组(F组) ,各组神经元每天给予相应药物预处理 1 h,连续3 d,继而缺氧 4 h 复氧24 h,观察神经
元的活力、凋亡率、Akt、Bcl-2、Bax 蛋白的表达水平。结果:C 组与 B、D、E 3 组缺氧组比较,海马神经元的活力增强,凋亡率降低,Akt、Bcl-2 蛋白表达增强,Bax 蛋白表达减弱(P<0.01) ;F
组与 C 组比较,海马神经元的活力降低,凋亡率增高,Akt、Bcl-2 蛋白表达降低,Bax 蛋白表达增
强(P<0.01) 。结论:Akt信号通路参与或部分参与了二氮嗪预处理抗缺氧复氧后大鼠海马神经元凋
Relation of Akt signal transduction passageway and the mechanism of diazoxide preconditioning for
anti-apoptosis in cultured hippocampal neurons by anoxia- reoxygenation in rats
Li Jiemeng, Chen Yanqing, Liu Rongguo, Wu Xiaodan. Department of Anaesthesiology, Fujian Provincial
Hospital, Fuzhou 350001 CHINA
Abstract Objective To investigate relation of Akt signal transduction passageway and the mechanism
of diazoxide preconditioning for anti-apoptosis in cultured hippocampal neurons by anoxia-reoxygenation
in rats. Methods Isolated cultured hippocampal neurons of rat were assigned into the following six groups
randomly: control group (Group A), diazoxide 0μmolL group (Group B), diazoxide 100 μmolL group
(Group C), diazoxide 100 μmolL and 5-hydroxydecanoate 100 μmolL group (Group D),5-hydroxydecanoate 100 μmolL group (Group E), diazoxide 100 μmolL and LY294002 50 μmolL
group (Group F). The hippocampal neurons were treated with diazoxide 1 h, per day for 3 days before
being subjected to 4 h oxygen deprivation followed by reoxygenation. The neuronal vitality was assayed
and apoptosis rate determined after 24 h reoxygenation. The expression of Akt, Bcl-2 and Bax protein was
determined by western blotting. Results The vitality of hippocampal neurons in Group C is significant
higher than that in Group B, D and E, whereas the apoptotic rate was opposite (P<0.01); Akt, Bcl-2
protein in Group C expressed more intensively than that in Group B, D and E, while Bax protein was
weaken (P<0.01). The vitality of hippocampal neurons in Group F is significant lower than that in Group
C, whereas the apoptotic rate was opposite (P<0.01); Akt, Bcl-2 protein in Group F expressed significant
lower than that in Group C, while Bax protein was strengthen (P<0.01). Conclusions Akt signal
transduction passageway completely or partly mediated the process of diazoxide preconditioning for 2008 年中华医学会全国麻醉学术年会
anti-apoptosis in cultured hippocampal neurons by anoxia-reoxygenation in rats.
Key words Pharmacological preconditioning Hypoxia-tolerance Akt Bcl-2 Bax LY294002
研究发现,开放线粒体内膜 ATP敏感钾通道(Mitochondrial ATP-sensitive Potassiun Channel,mitoKATP)能模拟出脑的缺血预处理效应[1,2]
点[3]。但其机制目前并未完全阐明。本实验采用 SD 大鼠海马神经元离体培养模型,应用四唑蓝比
色法、流式细胞术、Western blot 诸方法,拟观察二氮嗪预处理对缺氧复氧后大鼠海马神经元凋亡
原代 SD大鼠海马神经元的培养 出生<24 h 新生SD大鼠,体重 5~6 g,由北京大学实验动物
15 倍的解剖显微镜下取出海马组织,剪碎(约 1×1×l mm组织块) ,加入含 0.125%胰蛋白酶(Gibeo
公司,美国)的解剖液,在 37℃下,于 5%CO2 培养箱中消化 30 min,以 0.5×106
个ml 的神经元
密度接种在 35 mm无菌培养皿或 96 孔无菌培养板(Coster公司,美国) ,2 ml皿或 100 μl孔 ......
婵犳鍠楃换鎰板箯閿燂拷 pdf闂備胶枪缁诲牓宕濆澶婂嚑闁跨噦鎷� 闂傚倸鍊稿ú鐘诲磻閹剧粯鍋¢柡鍥朵簼鐎氾拷 5 缂傚倷绀侀ˇ浠嬪垂娴兼潙鍨傞幖娣妽閺咁剟鏌涢锝囩畵閻㈩垱濞婇幃褰掑箛椤栵絾缍堥梺杞拌兌閸嬨倕鐣峰Ο铏规殕闁逞屽墮閳诲秹濡烽妸锝勬睏闂佸搫娲ㄩ崑鐐哄磹閿燂拷婵犳鍣徊鐣屾崲閹版澘桅濠㈣埖鍔曢惌妤併亜閺嶃劎鎳佺紒銊︽緲铻為柡澶嬪椤ユ粎鎲哥敮顔藉10濠电偞鍨堕幖鈺傜閻愬灈鍙鹃梻浣告啞鐢亪骞忛敓锟�闂備焦瀵х粙鎴λ囬銏犵劦妞ゆ帒锕ョ€氾拷