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    Pat at risk of developing IFD

    The main players

    ? 1. SEC 1996-1998

    Yeast fungi (candida): 91.4%

    C albicans 40%

    C tropicalis 60%

    Mould fungi: 5.9%

    ? 2. PUMCH 1950-1990

    Biopsy: Yeast fungi :15%

    Mould fungi: 85%


    invasive Candida infections

    * Most systemic infections with Candida albicans are caused by endogenous organisms via translocation from the gastrointestinal tract or by sequential spread from other body sites

    * Apparent outbreaks of infection have been reported, raising the possibility of horizontal transmission

    * Average of 39% of surgical ICU staff were found to carry Candida species

    * Infection control measures may be valuable



    Epidemiology of Invasive Aspergillosis Prospective Survey in France (1994-1999)

    Invasive Aspergillosis in Critically Ill Pats without Malignancy

    * 1,850 pats in a medical ICU


    Microbiological or histopathologic evidence of infection with Aspergillus: 6.9%

    * Aspergillus fumigatus: 96%

    * Aspergillus niger: 3 isolate

    * Aspergillus flavus: 1 isolate

    Crude Mortality for Invasive Aspergillosis



    Defining invasive fungal disease

    * 临床表现不典型,为基础疾病或药物治疗掩盖或混淆

    * 合格标本获取不易,危重病人难承受侵入性检查

    * 继发性感染常呈双重感染或复合菌感染,难以定主次

    * 实验室检查手段有限,并有时效性?

    * 结果的评判困难,难以确定病原性

    * 危险因素+临床表现+影像学+实验室检查




    ? 一般不主张预防性抗真菌治疗

    ? 预防性抗真菌治疗盲目性大、费用高,增加耐药性

    ? 但具有IFI危险因素的ICU重患可应考虑

    - 具有高危因素的器官移植的危重患者

    - 接受免疫抑制治疗的高危肿瘤患者

    - 具有高危因素的粒细胞缺乏患者

    - 高危的HIV患者



    Cordonnier C et al. Blood 2006; 108: abstr 2019

