鏈熷垔: 寰俊鏂囩珷 鍦ㄧ嚎涔︾睄 璧勬枡涓嬭浇 鍋ュ悍鏉傚織 鎶ュ垔閫夌紪 鍩虹鍖诲 涓村簥鍖诲 鑽 瀛︽姤 涓浗鍖诲 鍗敓鎬昏
淇濆仴: 鏂伴椈 璇勮 瑙嗙偣 甯歌瘑 鐤剧梾 鐥囩姸 鍏荤敓 鐢ㄨ嵂 鎶ょ悊 鎬ユ晳 鍋ヨ韩 缇庡 涓ゆ€� 鑲插効 鐢� 濂� 鑰� 灏� 鍥涘 璇荤墿 鏇村
涓尰: 甯歌瘑 鏁欐潗 鎬濊€� 涓嵂 鍖荤悊 涓村簥 閽堥 姘戞棌 鏂囧寲 钁椾綔 楠屾柟 鍥捐氨 椋熺枟 鑽墿 鑽笟 鑽競 鏂拌嵂 鎼滅储 鑻辨枃
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ECMO introduction.ppt


    ECMO Introduction

    台大醫院 外科加護病房

    柯文哲 醫師

    ECMO Introduction

    Dr. Wen-Je Ko

    SICU, Department of Surgery

    National Taiwan University Hospital


    extracorporeal membrane oxygenation





    extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

    (Extracorporeal Life Support)



    prolonged partial cardiopulmonary bypass

    ECMO vs CPB

    ? Veneous reservoir

    CPB vs ECMO


    ? Short-term cardiopulmonary support

    ? Buy time to decide the next step

    - Recovery

    - Transplantation

    - long-term device (ventricular assist device)

    - Operation (CABG, pulmonary embolectomy,..)

    - Give-up

    for lung

    1. support : O2 supply & CO2 removal

    2. rest : reduce ventilator induced lung injury

    for heart

    support : improve systemic perfusion

    rest :


    ↓myocardial work

    decrease preload requirement and congestion

    ECMO Type

    ? VV - ECMO

    ? VA - ECMO


    indication : for lung disease only

    purpose : to decrease barotrauma

    ( to prevent ventilator-induced lung injury)

    ventilator setting :

    PC mode, PEEP >10 , PIP < 35 ,VR --> PaCO2, FiO2--> PaO2


    advantage :

    1. both lung & heart support

    2. higher PaO2

    An Example of MCS

    ? Different patients

    ? Different situations

    ==> Different treatments

    Indications of ECMO in the near future

    ? As a mechanical circulatory support:

    - Post-cardiotomy cardiogenic shock

    - Double bridge (ECMO--> VAD--> HTx)

    - Acute myocarditis

    - AMI cardiogenic shock (ECPR)

    ? Replace CPB:

    - Lung transplantation

    - Neurosurgery

    - Non-heart-beating-donor support

    - Rescue for acute pulmonary embolism

    ? Ventilatory support

    - ARDS

    - Neonatal pulmonary diseases


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   寰俊鏂囩珷  鍏虫敞鐧炬媷  璇勮鍑犲彞  鎼滅储鏇村   鎺ㄥ瓨缁欐湅鍙�   鍔犲叆鏀惰棌