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http://www.100md.com 2009年5月2日 新语丝


    陈竺: 引用: 记得在禽流感发生的时候,“China Daily”有一幅漫画,说最好的对付禽流感药方,就是把一只鸡和一个八角茴香炖在一起,这是最好的一个方子。为什么?因为达菲的原料莽草酸主要就在八角茴香里面,所以我补充高部长的话,我们可以把猪肉和八角茴香煮在一起,肯定是一剂良方。

    当年八角茴香炖鸡对付禽流感,China Daily有评论(那幅漫画可能就是配此评论的),抱怨科学家们不解释此良方是否doable: 引用:

    http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/opinion/2005-10/31/content_536881.htm But since it has been known for such a long time that the raw Star Aniseeds have a curing effect, and that any short, if not hasty, attempts to make modern medicines would involve untold hazards, a safer way to use them might just be to use them without the industrial process, as a herb or as a spice.
, 百拇医药
    However, what a pity that today there is not a single modern scientist to tell us whether this is doable - when many Chinese, having got the information that I got, are doing it anyway.

    If it is doable, having a daily pot of stewed chicken (but never a sick one) spiced with Star Aniseeds would be a much tastier, and more affordable alternative for a developing society.

    And any country can import some seeds of the plant, or order some shipments of the dried fruits from China. They will never cost a king's ransom.
, 百拇医药
    (China Daily 10/31/2005 page4)

    China Daily竟然说中医未用过八角茴香治流感:

    引用: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/english/doc/2005-11/02/content_489694.htm Despite its new fame as the key ingredient of Tamiflu, star anise has rarely been used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat flu. But in some Tibetan prescriptions, the star anise is used to cure influenza.

, 百拇医药


    瑞士专家警告过量食用八角茴香可能导致中毒 专家警告说,吃八角不能直接预防流感,日常饮食中盲目过量食用八角反而会导致中毒。



, 百拇医药


    王文元 http://tech.sina.com.cn/d/2005-11-22/0731771526.shtml 八角中含有达菲有效成分,但吃八角并不能直接预防流感,日常饮食中盲目过量食用八角反而会导致中毒。一般来说,八角在烹饪过程中产生莽草酸的几率不大。另外,八角茴香中含有黄樟醚,过量食用可能导致中毒。日本已经出现青少年过量食用八角熬制的汁液而中毒的病例。

    陈部长最终力挽狂澜为此正名,掀起八角茴香煮猪肉新高潮: http://www.google.com/search?q=%E9%99%88%E7%AB%BA+%E8%8C%B4%E9%A6%99 http://www.baidu.com/s?cl=3&wd=%B3%C2%F3%C3+%DC%EE%CF%E3, 百拇医药