分析以上采集到的数据并与来自Brown 语料库的数据进行对比,我们可以对医学英语中介词at的情况有一个初步的了解。
首先,可以从统计数字看at 义项的分布,在《大纲词表》规定应掌握的7个义项中,第一个义项使用频率最高,其次,是第三个义项,再次,是第四个义项。其他义项使用频率相对较低。在Brown 语料库中7个义项都有使用的例子,并且它们的分布符合我们所列出的at的7个义项按照使用频率分布的规律。
1. Lymphadenitis and lymphangitis are apparent in one-half of cases and appear simultaneously with the onset of fever, rigors, myalgias, and rash, which usually begins at the site of the bite.
, http://www.100md.com
2. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, which is defined as bleeding in the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum, is common1y caused by bleeding varices in the esophagus, peptic ulcers, or a Mallory-Weiss tear at the esophageal gastric junction from severe retching.
3. The duodenum begins at the pylorus and ends where it joins the jejunum at a suspensory ligament.
, 百拇医药
1. The lungs contain approximately 25 million alveoli at birth and 300 million by adulthood.
2. The virus may be present and silent for a long time, only to become actively infective at the time of an emotional or physical stress.
3. For instance, blood glucose concentrations in a healthy person vary significantly at different times during the day, depending on food intake, activities of the individual, and so forth.
, http://www.100md.com
如果我们做进一步分析会了解到,当at作第三个义项时出现最多的是在临床医学的文本中,因为在描述疾病发生中经常要用到时间状语。其余的都是at 和其它的词构成相对固定的词组使用,如:at risk,at times, not at all等。但是,在这些词组中, at risk 使用过于频繁,共有10 次,分布在临床中更为突出,从常识上我们也可以知道这个词组本身就属于边缘性医学词汇。所以,他会比其他at的固定短语出现频率高。
综上所述, 在医学英语中, 介词词义广泛灵活多变, 搭配力强, 用途广, 难于掌握。了解介词的特点,掌握介词的用法, 有助于正确理解医学英语文献, 用英语书写地道的医学论文或将外国医学界的先进技术翻译成中文, 为我国的医学事业作出贡献。
, 百拇医药
[1]Kennedy,G. An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics [M] . Addison Wesley Longman Limited , 1998.
[2]Murison Bowie , S. MicroConcord Manual : An
Introduction to the Practices and Principles of Concordancing in Language Teaching[M] . Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1993.
[3]Leech , G. The role of frequency in ELT: New co-
rpus evidence brings a reappraisal[J ] . 外语教学与研究, 2001.5 .
雍文明:新乡医学院外语系。, http://www.100md.com
分析以上采集到的数据并与来自Brown 语料库的数据进行对比,我们可以对医学英语中介词at的情况有一个初步的了解。
首先,可以从统计数字看at 义项的分布,在《大纲词表》规定应掌握的7个义项中,第一个义项使用频率最高,其次,是第三个义项,再次,是第四个义项。其他义项使用频率相对较低。在Brown 语料库中7个义项都有使用的例子,并且它们的分布符合我们所列出的at的7个义项按照使用频率分布的规律。
1. Lymphadenitis and lymphangitis are apparent in one-half of cases and appear simultaneously with the onset of fever, rigors, myalgias, and rash, which usually begins at the site of the bite.
, http://www.100md.com
2. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding, which is defined as bleeding in the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum, is common1y caused by bleeding varices in the esophagus, peptic ulcers, or a Mallory-Weiss tear at the esophageal gastric junction from severe retching.
3. The duodenum begins at the pylorus and ends where it joins the jejunum at a suspensory ligament.
, 百拇医药
1. The lungs contain approximately 25 million alveoli at birth and 300 million by adulthood.
2. The virus may be present and silent for a long time, only to become actively infective at the time of an emotional or physical stress.
3. For instance, blood glucose concentrations in a healthy person vary significantly at different times during the day, depending on food intake, activities of the individual, and so forth.
, http://www.100md.com
如果我们做进一步分析会了解到,当at作第三个义项时出现最多的是在临床医学的文本中,因为在描述疾病发生中经常要用到时间状语。其余的都是at 和其它的词构成相对固定的词组使用,如:at risk,at times, not at all等。但是,在这些词组中, at risk 使用过于频繁,共有10 次,分布在临床中更为突出,从常识上我们也可以知道这个词组本身就属于边缘性医学词汇。所以,他会比其他at的固定短语出现频率高。
综上所述, 在医学英语中, 介词词义广泛灵活多变, 搭配力强, 用途广, 难于掌握。了解介词的特点,掌握介词的用法, 有助于正确理解医学英语文献, 用英语书写地道的医学论文或将外国医学界的先进技术翻译成中文, 为我国的医学事业作出贡献。
, 百拇医药
[1]Kennedy,G. An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics [M] . Addison Wesley Longman Limited , 1998.
[2]Murison Bowie , S. MicroConcord Manual : An
Introduction to the Practices and Principles of Concordancing in Language Teaching[M] . Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1993.
[3]Leech , G. The role of frequency in ELT: New co-
rpus evidence brings a reappraisal[J ] . 外语教学与研究, 2001.5 .
雍文明:新乡医学院外语系。, http://www.100md.com