彧中 Yuzhong(KI26)
The Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin starts from the plantar surface of the little toe, and runs obliquely towards the center of he sole of the foot (Point Yongquan,KI1 ). Emerging from Point Rangu (KI2),the interior aspect of the
tuberosity of the navicular bone. it runs behind the medial malleolus, and reaches the heel. Then it ascends along the medial side of the popliteal fossa. Ascending continuously along the medio-posterior aspect of the thigh, it runs
through the vertebra] column. From there it enters its pertaining organ, the kidney, and communicates with the urinary bladder.
Its direct branch re-emerges from the kidney, runs straight up through the kidney, runs straight up through the liver and diaphragm, taro the lung, from which it travels along the throat and terminates at the root of the tongue.
Another branch of its exits from the lung. connects with the heart, and is distributed over the thoracic cavity to meet with the Pericardium Channel of Hand-Jueyin.
Location: On the chest, in the 1st intercostal space, 2 cun lateral to the anterior midline.
Indications: Cough with dyspnea, accumulation of phlegm, distention of the chest and hypochondriac region.
Method: Puncture obliquely 0.3-0.5 inch. Moxibustion is applicable.
Regional anatomy
Vasculature: The first intercostal artery and vein.
Innervation: The anterior cutaneous branch of the first intercostal nerve, the medial supraclavicular nerve; the first intercostals nerve.
The lung Meridian picture of Yuzhong(KI26) Acupoint
Body surface picture of Yuzhong(KI26) Acupoint
Anatomy picture of Yuzhong(KI26) Acupoint
Section picture of Yuzhong(KI26) Acupoint, 百拇医药