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    Chapter 9



    * Memory

    * persistence of learning over time via the storage and retrieval of information

    * Flashbulb Memory

    * a clear memory of an emotionally significant moment or event


    * Memory as Information Processing

    * similar to a computer

    * write to file

    * save to disk

    * read from disk

    * Encoding

    * the processing of information into the memory system

    * i.e., extracting meaning


    * Storage

    * the retention of encoded information over time

    * Retrieval

    * process of getting information out of memory


    * Sensory Memory

    * the immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system

    * Working Memory

    * focuses more on the processing of briefly stored information


    * Short-Term Memory

    * activated memory that holds a few items briefly

    * look up a phone number, then quickly dial before the information is forgotten

    * Long-Term Memory

    * the relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system

    A Simplified Memory Model

    Encoding: Getting Information In


    * Automatic Processing

    * unconscious encoding of incidental information

    * space

    * time

    * frequency

    * well-learned information

    * word meanings

    * we can learn automatic processing

    * reading backwards


    * Effortful Processing

    * requires attention and conscious effort

    * Rehearsal

    * conscious repetition of information

    * to maintain it in consciousness

    * to encode it for storage


    * Ebbinghaus used nonsense syllables


    * the more times practiced on Day 1, the fewer repetitions to relearn on Day 2

    * Spacing Effect

    * distributed practice yields better long- term retention than massed practice


    Encoding: Serial Position Effect

    What Do We Encode?

    * Semantic Encoding

    * encoding of meaning

    * including meaning of words

    * Acoustic Encoding

    * encoding of sound

    * especially sound of words

    * Visual Encoding

    * encoding of picture images



    * Imagery

    * mental pictures

    * a powerful aid to effortful processing, especially when combined with semantic encoding

    * Mnemonics

    * memory aids

    * especially those techniques that use vivid imagery and organizational devices


    * Chunking

    * organizing items into familiar, manageable units

    * like horizontal organization--1776149218121941

    * often occurs automatically

    * use of acronyms

    * HOMES--Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior

    * ARITHMETIC--A Rat In Tom's House Might Eat Tom's Ice Cream

    Encoding: Chunking

    * Organized information is more easily recalled


    * Hierarchies

    * complex information broken down into broad concepts and further subdivided into categories and subcategories ......
