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    Chapter 13



    * Emotion

    * a response of the whole organism

    * physiological arousal

    * expressive behaviors

    * conscious experience

    Theories of Emotion

    * Does your heart pound because you are afraid... or are you afraid because you feel your heart pounding?


    Theory of Emotion

    * Experience of emotion is awareness of physiological responses to emotion-arousing stimuli


    Theory of Emotion

    * Emotion-arousing stimuli simultaneously trigger:

    * physiological responses

    * subjective experience of emotion

    Schachter's Two-Factor Theory of Emotion

    * To experience emotion one must:

    * be physically aroused

    * cognitively label the arousal

    Cognition and Emotion

    * The brain's shortcut for emotions

    Two Routes to Emotion

    Two Dimensions of Emotion

    Emotion and Physiology

    Arousal and Performance

    * Performance peaks at lower levels of arousal for difficult tasks, and at higher levels for easy or well-learned tasks


    Lie Detectors

    * Polygraph

    * machine commonly used in attempts to detect lies

    * measures several of the physiological responses accompanying emotion

    * perspiration

    * cardiovascular

    * breathing changes

    Emotion--A Polygraph Examination

    Emotion--Lie Detectors

    * Control Question

    * Up to age 18, did you ever physically harm anyone?

    * Relevant Question

    * Did [the deceased] threaten to harm you in any way?

    * Relevant > Control --> Lie


    Lie Detectors


    Lie Detectors

    * 50 Innocents

    * 50 Theives

    * 1/3 of innocent declared guilty

    * 1/4 of guilty declared innocent (from Kleinmuntz & Szucko, 1984)


    Lie Detectors

    * Is 70% accuracy good? ......
