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    Antitheses English-Chinese


    The Standard Manual of Meridians

    and Acupoints


    主 编 成泽东 陈以国 王景明

    副主编 孙 奕 李 琳 郭喜朝





    ISBN 978-7-5091-2480-2

    Ⅰ.针… Ⅱ.①成… ②王… ③孙… Ⅲ.①针灸疗法-

    经络-手册 ②针灸疗法-穴位—手册 Ⅳ.R224-62

    中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2008)第 212449 号

    策划编辑:杨德胜 姚 磊 文字编辑:周文英 责任审读:周晓洲

    出 版 人:齐学进

    出版发行:人民军医出版社 经销:新华书店

    通信地址:北京市 100036 信箱 188 分箱 邮编:100036

    质量反馈电话: (010)51927270; (010)51927283

    邮购电话: (010)51927252

    策划编辑电话: (010)51927300-8065


    印刷:北京国马印刷厂 装订:京兰装订有限公司

    开本:850mm×1168mm 1/36

    印张:11.5 字数:304 千字

    版、印次:2009 年 3 月第 1 版第 1 次印刷


    定价:35.00 元

    版权所有 侵权必究







    阐述了人体 400 多个穴位的具体位置,取穴和刺灸






    This book is written by the experts in acupunc-

    ture and the scholars proficient in English, basing on

    the national standards of the acupoints locations and

    the new century textbook of Institutions of higher

    Chinese medicine. There are four parts in the book:

    the first part is the introduction which explains the

    meaning and classification of acupoints, the location

    method of acupoints and the name, distribution and

    the indications of the fourteen meridians. The second

    and third parts are the 400 acupoints around the body

    including the locations, the acupuncture and

    moxibution methods and the attentions. The fouth

    part is the map of distributions of the fourteen

    meridians and some important acupoints. In the

    appendix, there are some common nouns on tradi-

    tional Chinese medicine. This book is written in

    Chinese and English, illustrating with pictures, focus-

    ing on the important acupoints, convenient to take

    along and easy to understanding, so it is a practical

    reference book. It is good for the teachers and

    students in the traditional Chinese medicine, the

    students studying abroad, acupuncturist and the lover

    for the traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

    前 言








    针灸的需求,我们编写了这本《中英对照 针灸经络腧穴标


    本书参照中国国家标准化管理委员会 2006 年发布的





    的分布与主治;第二和第三部分为十四经穴及经外奇穴,包括 361 个经穴、48个经外奇穴,笔者从每个穴位的位置、刺灸法、主治和常用配伍 4 个方面进行阐述;第四部分为








    编 者



    The acupuncture in China makes a great contribution to

    the people’s health and the Chinese culture due to the special

    theory system, the wonderful clinical experiences and the

    significant effects. During these years, more and more

    foreigners like studying the acupuncture, but they have big ......
