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Chinese Folk Medicine
A Study of the Shan-hai Ching
J o h n W m . S chiffele r
The Shan-hai ching (山海経〉or “The Classic of the Mountains and
Seas” is a geographical gazetteer of ancient China and a catalogue of the
natural and supernatural fauna and flora allegedly dating back to the
Eastern Chou dynasty (東周朝,771-256 B.C.) and spanning a period
of perhaps a millennium through the first century of the North-South
dynasties (南北朝,A.D. 304-589). It is also a repository of strange
spirits, curious folkways, medical beliefs, and other related oral and
written traditions of earlier origins, perhaps even beginning with the
Shang-Yen dynasty (商殷朝,c . 1500-1027 B.C.).1 “ Now when we
look at what is said or herbs and minerals in this treatise, we find, rather
surprisingly perhaps, that the idea of prevention rather than cure is
outstandingly present. The Shan Hai Ching usually recommends
particular drugs, not for curing diseases but for preventing their onset.
No less than sixty items of this kind are stated to promote health and
to prevent illness.”2
In many ways, this classic bears some similarity in content and
theme to the Hippocratic treatise Airs, Waters, Places,although it is
not commonly associated with being a part of the Chinese medical
corpus as the latter is in oreek medicine. For, like this ancient Greek
treatise, The Classic of the Mountains and Seas is based upon a philo-
sophical and scientific premise of nature—the Chinese Weltanschauung?
The Chinese quest for a harmonious union between themselves and
their biophysical and socioanthropological environment gave rise to
1 . Kwang-chih Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient Chinay 3rd ed. (New Haven
and London: Yale University Press, 1977), p. 444.
2. Joseph Needham, Clerks and Craftsmen in China and the West (Cambridge:
At the University Press, 1970), p. 350.42 JOHN WM. SCHIFFELER
such a “world concept” in which people and their way of reasoning
were conceived of as being an integral part of the cosmos and intrinsic-
ally interjoined with the spiritual, physical, and moral ‘influences.,3
“From early times,” according to Professor Clarence J. Glacken,“there have been two types of environmental theory, one based on
physiology (such as the theory of the humors) and one on geographical
position; both are in the Hippocratic corpus. In general, the environ-
mental theories based on physiology have evolved from the notion
of health and disease as indicating a balance or imbalance respectively
of the humors, and from empirical observations such as the advantages
of certain town or house sites, situation with relation to altitude (possi-
bly because high places were above malarial swamps) or nearness to
water, and to certain prevailing winds. . . . The history of environmental
theories is distinct from that of the idea of design because the main
stimulus of the former came originally from medicine,although it is
true that adaptation of life to the physical environment is implicit in
the idea of an orderly and harmonious nature.”4 Thus, we find in
The Classic of the Mountains and Seas and in Airs ......
A Study of the Shan-hai Ching
J o h n W m . S chiffele r
The Shan-hai ching (山海経〉or “The Classic of the Mountains and
Seas” is a geographical gazetteer of ancient China and a catalogue of the
natural and supernatural fauna and flora allegedly dating back to the
Eastern Chou dynasty (東周朝,771-256 B.C.) and spanning a period
of perhaps a millennium through the first century of the North-South
dynasties (南北朝,A.D. 304-589). It is also a repository of strange
spirits, curious folkways, medical beliefs, and other related oral and
written traditions of earlier origins, perhaps even beginning with the
Shang-Yen dynasty (商殷朝,c . 1500-1027 B.C.).1 “ Now when we
look at what is said or herbs and minerals in this treatise, we find, rather
surprisingly perhaps, that the idea of prevention rather than cure is
outstandingly present. The Shan Hai Ching usually recommends
particular drugs, not for curing diseases but for preventing their onset.
No less than sixty items of this kind are stated to promote health and
to prevent illness.”2
In many ways, this classic bears some similarity in content and
theme to the Hippocratic treatise Airs, Waters, Places,although it is
not commonly associated with being a part of the Chinese medical
corpus as the latter is in oreek medicine. For, like this ancient Greek
treatise, The Classic of the Mountains and Seas is based upon a philo-
sophical and scientific premise of nature—the Chinese Weltanschauung?
The Chinese quest for a harmonious union between themselves and
their biophysical and socioanthropological environment gave rise to
1 . Kwang-chih Chang, The Archaeology of Ancient Chinay 3rd ed. (New Haven
and London: Yale University Press, 1977), p. 444.
2. Joseph Needham, Clerks and Craftsmen in China and the West (Cambridge:
At the University Press, 1970), p. 350.42 JOHN WM. SCHIFFELER
such a “world concept” in which people and their way of reasoning
were conceived of as being an integral part of the cosmos and intrinsic-
ally interjoined with the spiritual, physical, and moral ‘influences.,3
“From early times,” according to Professor Clarence J. Glacken,“there have been two types of environmental theory, one based on
physiology (such as the theory of the humors) and one on geographical
position; both are in the Hippocratic corpus. In general, the environ-
mental theories based on physiology have evolved from the notion
of health and disease as indicating a balance or imbalance respectively
of the humors, and from empirical observations such as the advantages
of certain town or house sites, situation with relation to altitude (possi-
bly because high places were above malarial swamps) or nearness to
water, and to certain prevailing winds. . . . The history of environmental
theories is distinct from that of the idea of design because the main
stimulus of the former came originally from medicine,although it is
true that adaptation of life to the physical environment is implicit in
the idea of an orderly and harmonious nature.”4 Thus, we find in
The Classic of the Mountains and Seas and in Airs ......
濠电姷鏁告慨鐢割敊閺嶎厼绐楁俊銈呭暞瀹曟煡鏌熼悧鍫熺凡缂佺媭鍨堕弻銊╂偆閸屾稑顏� pdf闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥嚄閼哥數浠氱紓鍌欐祰椤曆囨偋閹惧磭鏆︽繝闈涙-閸氬顭跨捄鐚村伐闁搞倖鍨垮铏规崉閵娿儲鐝㈤梺鐟板殩閹凤拷 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾圭紒瀣紩濞差亝鍋愰悹鍥皺閿涙盯姊洪悷鏉库挃缂侇噮鍨跺畷鎴︽晸閻樺磭鍘搁梺鎼炲劜濠€鍦姳婵傚憡鍊垫慨妯煎亾鐎氾拷 5 缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹妞嬪海鐭嗗〒姘e亾閽樻繂霉閻樺樊鍎忛柛銊ュ€搁湁闁稿繐鍚嬬紞鎴︽煕閵娿儱鈧潡鐛弽顬ュ酣顢楅埀顒佷繆娴犲鐓涢柛婊€绀佹晶鎾煛鐏炲墽娲存い銏℃礋閺佹劙宕堕埡鍐╂闂備焦鐪归崺鍕垂鏉堛劎绠惧┑鐘叉搐缁犳牜鎲搁悧鍫濈瑨缂佺姵绋掗妵鍕冀閻㈢數蓱缂傚倸绉撮悧鎾愁潖閻戞ɑ濮滈柟宄拌嫰閸橈繝姊虹粙娆惧剭闁稿﹥娲熼幃鎯х暋閹锋梻鍠栭幖鍦喆閸曨剛鏆﹂梻鍌欑窔閳ь剛鍋涢懟顖涙櫠椤曗偓閺屽秶鎷犻懠顑冣攽閿涘嫬鍘村┑鈩冩倐閺佹劙宕熼鍌涚稁闂傚倸鍊风粈渚€骞栭鈷氭椽濡搁埡浣猴紱闂佺粯鍔曢幖顐ゅ瑜版帗鐓ラ柣鏇炲€圭€氾拷濠电姷鏁告慨鐢割敊閺嶎厼闂い鏍ㄧ矊缁躲倝鏌i敐鍛拱鐎规洘鐓¢弻鐔兼偋閸喓鍑℃俊妤€鎳忕换婵嬪閿濆懐鍘梺鍛婃⒐濞茬喖骞嗙仦杞挎梹鎷呴崗鍝ョ泿闂備礁鎼粔鏌ュ礉鎼淬劌绠犲ù锝堟绾惧ジ鏌曟繝蹇涙缂佽埖鐓¢幗鍫曟倷閻戞ḿ鍘告繝銏f硾椤戝懘顢氬⿰鍕╀簻闁靛濡囬惌宀勬煙閹绘帗鎲搁柡渚囧櫍椤㈡瑩鎸婃径妯圭处10婵犵數濮烽弫鎼佸磻閻愬搫鍨傞柛顐f礀缁犲綊鏌嶉崫鍕偓濠氥€呴弻銉︾厽闁归偊鍓涙禍顏堟煕濞嗘挾鐣烘慨濠勭帛閹峰懘宕ㄦ繝鍌涙畼闂佹眹鍩勯崹鍏肩椤忓牏宓侀煫鍥ㄧ⊕閺呮悂鏌ㄩ悤鍌涘闂傚倸鍊搁崐鐑芥倿閿旈敮鍋撶粭娑樻噽閻瑩鏌熷▎陇顕уú顓€€佸鈧慨鈧柣姗€娼ф慨锔戒繆閻愵亜鈧牜鏁幒妤佹櫇闁靛/鈧崑鎾愁潩閻愵剙顏�