? Neuron :
? Supporting cells :
- CNS : neuroglia (glia)
- PNS : Schwann cells and satellite cells
- Functions :
? physical support
? electrical insulation
? metabolic exchange
? blood-brain barrier
? Able to replicate!
? Importance in nervous system function is VASTLY underestimated!
? Evidence is mounting:
? Nurturing role
? Signaling role (Memory?)
? Inflammation
? Pain
? Many more to come!
1. Neurons have TWO "processes" called axons and dendrites. Glial cells only have ONE.
2. Neurons CAN generate action potentials. Glial cells CANNOT, however, do have a resting potential.
3. Neurons HAVE synapses that use neurotransmitters. Glial cells do NOT have chemical synapses.
4. Neurons do NOT continue to divide. Glial cells DO continue to divide.
5. There are many MORE (10-50 times more) glial cells in the brain compared to the number of neurons.
? Neuron :
? Supporting cells :
- CNS : neuroglia (glia)
- PNS : Schwann cells and satellite cells
- Functions :
? physical support
? electrical insulation
? metabolic exchange
? blood-brain barrier
? Able to replicate!
? Importance in nervous system function is VASTLY underestimated!
? Evidence is mounting:
? Nurturing role
? Signaling role (Memory?)
? Inflammation
? Pain
? Many more to come!
1. Neurons have TWO "processes" called axons and dendrites. Glial cells only have ONE.
2. Neurons CAN generate action potentials. Glial cells CANNOT, however, do have a resting potential.
3. Neurons HAVE synapses that use neurotransmitters. Glial cells do NOT have chemical synapses.
4. Neurons do NOT continue to divide. Glial cells DO continue to divide.
5. There are many MORE (10-50 times more) glial cells in the brain compared to the number of neurons.
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