5.从事件参与中的经纪人分析看,对二村而言,当地企业、社区和压力集团之间均存在联络人,代理人和守门人角色,但却缺少当地政府机构与其它利益集团之间的联络人,代理人和守门人角色,因此要培育当地政府机构与其它利益集团之间的联络人,代理人和守门人角色。对于箐口村来说,要让州(县)政府(B),州(县)哈尼梯田管理局(C), 旅游管理部门(D)充当代理人或守门人角色,让其它利益集团利益相关者(除旅游者Q外)充当联络人角色;而对勐品村而言,要培育当地政府机构中每个利益相关者充当代理人或守门人角色,让其它利益集团利益相关者(除旅游从业居民 K和旅游者Q外)充当联络人角色。
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[15]Baggio R, Scott N, Cooper C. Improving tourism destination governance: a complexity science approach[J]. Tourism Review,2010,65(4):51-60.
[16]Beritelli P, Laesser C. Power dimensions and influence reputation in tourist destinations: Empirical evidence from a network of actors and stakeholders[J].Tourism Management,2011,32(6):1299-1309., 百拇医药(时少华)
[2]潘秋玲,李九全. 社区参与和旅游社区一体化研究[J].人文地理,2002(4):38-41.
[3]Tosun C. Limits to Community Participation in the Tourism Development Process in Developing Countries[J].Tourism Management, 2000,21(6):613- 633.
[4]Okazaki Etsuko. Community-Based Tourism Model: Its Conception and Use[J]. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 2008, 16(5): 511-529.
[5]时少华.社区居民参与旅游发展的问题及体制性影响因素研究[J].中国发展,2011, 46(5):57-61.
[8]Timothy D J. Participatory planning: a view of tourism in Indonesia[J]. Annals of Tourism Research, 1999(2):371-391.
[9]Jamal T B, Getz D. Collaboration theory and community tourism planning[J]. Annals of Tourism Research,1995,22(1):186-204.
[10]Reed M G. Power relations and community-based tourism planning[J]. Annals of Tourism Research,1997,24(3):566-591.
[11]Bramwell B, Sharman A. Collaboration in local tourism policymaking[J]. Annals of Tourism Research,1999,26(2):392-415.
[12]Aas C, Ladkin A,Fletcher J. Stakeholder collaboration and heritage management[J]. Annals of Tourism Research,2005,32(1):28-48.
[13]Timur S, Getz D. A network perspective on managing stakeholders for sustainable urban tourism[J].International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,2008,20(4) : 445-461.
[14]Cooper C, Scott N, Baggio R. Network Position and Perceptions of Destination Stakeholder Importance[J].Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism & Hospitality Research,2009,20(1):33-45.
[15]Baggio R, Scott N, Cooper C. Improving tourism destination governance: a complexity science approach[J]. Tourism Review,2010,65(4):51-60.
[16]Beritelli P, Laesser C. Power dimensions and influence reputation in tourist destinations: Empirical evidence from a network of actors and stakeholders[J].Tourism Management,2011,32(6):1299-1309., 百拇医药(时少华)