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http://www.100md.com 2002年5月25日 新药网
     盛爱珍, 王新德, 徐忠宝, 龙洁


    [摘要] 目的: 观察蚓激酶对对缺血性脑血管病患者血液流变学及纤溶系统的影响及不良反应。方法:采用多中心、双盲、安慰剂对照的方法治疗缺血性脑血管病恢复期的患者285例。结果:蚓激酶治疗可使血纤维蛋白原降低(P<0.01),部分患者(43.1%)D二聚体转为阳性,血小板聚集率降低(P<0.01)。对红细胞计数、血细胞比容、血小板计数也有轻度降低。不良反应发生率为3.83%。结论:蚓激酶可作为治疗和预防缺血性脑血管病的安全的药物之一。

    [关键词] 蚓激酶; 缺血性脑血管病; 纤维蛋白原; 血小板聚集

    The effects of lumbrokinase on fibrinogen, D-dimmer &aggregation of platelet &

    and also to study its therapeutic effects on patients with ischemic cerebral vascular disease

    sheng Aizhen Cai Xiaojie Wang Xinde et al.

    Department of Neurology, Beijing Hospital,Beijing,100730

    [Abstract] Objective To investigate the effect on fibrinogen and D-dimmer as so as aggregation of platelet of lumbrokinase on patients with cerebral infarction. Methods Multicentre ,double-blind and placebo controlled study on 285 patients with cerebral infarction .Results Fibrinogen ,platelet aggregation were reduced after the treatment with lumbrokinase ,D-dimmer were turned to positive in 43.1% patients. HCT,RBC and PLT were slightly reduced. The effect rate was 56.5% in lumbrokinace group and 44.7% in placebo group .The side effect occurred in 3.83% of 207 patients treated with lumbrokinase. Conclusion It suggested that lumbrokinase can serve as an effective and safe drug of preventing and treating ischemic cerebral vascular disease.

    [Key Words] lumbrokinace cerebral infarction fibrinogen aggregation of platelet

    [作者简介] 盛爱珍(1964--)女,神经内科副主任医师,主要从事老年病及脑血管病的临床与实验研究,联系电话:(010)65132266转神经内科


    1 张丽萍,牟善初,余霞君 . 蚓激酶对实验性血栓的预防作用.中国循环杂志,1995,10:679-680

    2 丁铭臣,庞式琪,谢淑萍等 . 蚓激酶胶囊治疗脑梗塞1500例临床总结. 中华神


    3 王荫华,赵玉宾,陈清棠 . 蚓激酶治疗血液流变学异常的缺血性脑血管病患者

    的II期临床试验 . 中国临床药理学杂志,1997,13:65-70, http://www.100md.com