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Questions and Answers About Sex
http://www.100md.com 2003年9月1日 KidsHealth.org
     Sun Aug 31, 8:00 PM ET

    Answering kids' questions about sex is one of the responsibilities many parents dread most. Otherwise confident parents often feel tongue-tied and awkward when it comes to sex. But the subject shouldn't be avoided. By answering children's questions as they arise, parents can help foster healthy feelings about sex.

    When do children start becoming curious about sex?

    Children are human beings and therefore sexual beings. It's hard for parents to acknowledge this, just as it's hard for children to think of their parents as sexually active. But even infants have curiosity about their own bodies, which is healthy and normal.
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    What sort of "sexual" behavior do young children exhibit?

    Toddlers will often touch themselves when they are naked, such as in the bathtub or while being diapered. At this stage of development, they have no modesty. Their parent's reaction will tell them whether their actions are acceptable. Toddlers should not be scolded or made to feel ashamed of being interested in their bodies. It is natural for children to be interested in their own bodies. Some parents may choose to casually ignore self-touching. Others may want to acknowledge that, while they know it feels good, it is a private matter. Parents can make it clear that they expect the child to keep that activity private.
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    Parents should only be concerned about masturbation if the child seems preoccupied with it to the exclusion of other activities. Victims of sexual abuse sometimes become preoccupied with self-stimulation.

    Is it OK to use nicknames for private parts?

    By the time a child is 3 years of age, parents may choose to use the correct anatomical words. They may sound clinical, but there is no reason why the proper label should not be used when the child is capable of saying it. These words - penis, vagina, etc. - should be stated matter-of-factly, with no implied silliness. That way, the child learns to use them in a direct manner, without embarrassment.
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    In fact, this is what most parents do. A Gallup Poll showed that 67% of parents use actual names to refer to male and female body parts.

    What do you tell a very young child who asks where babies come from?

    Depending on the child's age, you can say that the baby grows from an egg in the mommy's womb, pointing to your stomach, and comes out of a special place, called the vagina. There is no need to explain the act of lovemaking because very young children will not understand the concept.
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    However, you can say that when a man and a woman love each other, they like to be close to one another. Tell them that the man's sperm joins the woman's egg and then the baby begins to grow. Most children under the age of 6 will accept this answer. Age-appropriate books on the subject are also helpful. Answer your child's question in a straightforward manner, and you will probably find that she is satisfied with a little information at a time.

    What should you do if your catch your child playing "doctor," i.e., showing private parts to another child?
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    Children 3 to 6 years of age are most likely to play "doctor." Many parents overreact when they witness or hear of such behavior. Heavy-handed scolding is NOT the way to deal with the situation. Nor should parents feel this is promiscuous behavior or will lead to promiscuity. Often, the presence of a parent is enough to interrupt the play.

    You may wish to direct your child's attention to another activity without making a lot of fuss. Later, sit down with your child for a talk. Explain that although you understand her interest in her friend's body, she is getting to be a big girl and people are generally expected to keep their bodies covered in public. This way you have set limits without having made the child feel guilty. This is also an appropriate age to begin to talk about good and bad touch. Tell your child that her body is her own and that she has the right to privacy. No one should touch her if she doesn't like it or want it. Tell her that if anyone ever touches her in a way that feels strange or bad, she should tell that person to stop it and then tell you about it. Explain that you want to know about anything that makes her feel bad or uncomfortable.
, http://www.100md.com
    When should parents sit children down for that all-important "birds and bees" discussion?

    Actually, never! Learning about sex should not occur in one all-or-nothing session. It should be more of an unfolding process, one in which the child learns, over time, what she needs to know. Questions should be answered as they arise so that the child's natural curiosity is satisfied as she matures.

    If your child doesn't ask questions about sex, don't just ignore the subject. At about age 5, you can begin to introduce books that approach sexuality on a developmentally appropriate level. Parents often have trouble finding the right words, but there are a number of excellent books to help., 百拇医药