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http://www.100md.com 2003年9月26日 好医生
     The applications of the Medpor porous polyethylene flexblock implant and osteotomy remove in the Craniofacial Surgery The department of Plastic surgery, 3rd Hospital, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100083 Wang Xia, Ma Yongguang, Li Jianning. Li Bi, Chen Yuzhe, Qi Rongsheng.

    Objective: The congenital craniofacial deformities are often demonstrated the hypoplasia of maxillary, zygomatic, mandibular, temporal and their related soft tissue. The skeletal hypoplasia are their mainly deformities. The greater omentum, the sheet of dermo-subcutanous flap and the bone graft have been used seperately. Not only complex of surgical procedure, but also showing clumsy contour when the artificial material was used. The Medpor implantation is much simple procedure and useful for those hypolasia. Method: The surgery included both osteotomy and Medpor transplantation as a large-scale filling stuff transfer under periosteum for Hemifical microsomia (3 cases) and simple mandibular hypoplasia (6 cases) reconstruction. Result: The result is setesfaction and shows a good nature skeleton facial contour. A half year following-up after operation shows that implants is stableness without coming out or any uncomfortable. The advantages of the surgery are short operation time, much less surgical trauma, surgery can be finish at once time and a quick recovery. Conclusion: 1. The Medpor could be used in large-scale areas and multiple places compositely in one operation. 2. It will be a good facial outline if the transplants are put deep to the muscles, if put just under the subcutaneous the material will be conglutination with superficial skin. 3. The result will be more precision if the surgery combine with osteotomy.
, http://www.100md.com
    Key word: Osteotomy, Medpor, Craniofacial hypoplasia, implant.

    有关先天性下颌骨发育不良疾病主要有半侧颅面矮小(Hemifacial microsomia)本组3例。单纯性下颌骨发育不良,先天性面下颌骨发育不全(Mandibulofacial dysostosis)其中包括Treacher Collins综合征本组6例。Hemifacial microsomia 又被称之为半侧颅面矮小,或第一、二鳃弓发育不良综合征等等。以上这些疾病均可表现为半侧颅面骨、下颌骨、颞骨和软组织的部分发育不良或完全性发育不良。其中患侧上颌骨、颧骨、下颌骨和耳发育不良是其影响外观的主要因素。对于这些先天性颅面骨发育不良,如采取其它手术方法如大网膜移植、真皮脂肪瓣移植往往需经多次手术。我们用多孔聚乙烯 (Medpor)作为充填材料代替骨移植结合截骨矫正,手术一次完成。

, 百拇医药
    手术设计及术前测量准确是手术能否顺利完成和影响术后效果的关键,颅面畸形患者外形千差万别,即使是同样一种病(如: Hemifacial microsomia),因畸形的程度不同,不同患者之间的临床外形表现亦可有明显的差异。所以术前必须认真分析和较为精确的设计十分必要。9例患者:对单纯性单侧下颌骨发育不良采用Medpor下颌骨体单侧置入3例。先天性面下颌骨发育不全采用双侧颧骨、下颌骨体Medpor填充2例,双侧颧骨、下颌骨体及颏部填充1例。半侧颅面矮小单侧下颌骨体、颏部填充2例,单侧下颌骨体填充1例。9例患者术后均无假体外露,无感染,双侧对称性较术前有明显改善占90%以上,患者满意率80%以上。术后随访半年移植物稳定,患者无不适、无异物感。



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    下颌骨截骨假体充填术:沿患侧下牙龈沟切开粘膜、粘膜下和骨膜至下颌骨骨面,切口长约6厘米。于骨膜下钝性剥离,注意保护颏神经,分离附着在下颌骨体的咬肌。下颌骨向患侧偏转,截除患侧突出的颏角。将下颌角和颏Medpor假体(图9-11)置入。, 百拇医药(王侠)
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