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    PVC VT-NS VT-S 心脏矛停生还者(VT/VF)

    无症状 低危: 高危 可逆性原因 无可逆性原因

    不需治疗1。医生解释和保证β-受体阴滞剂 2。抗心律失常药物 纠正原因 ICD

    心悸:1。医生解释和保证β-受体阻滞剂2。抗心律失常药物 健康心脏:1。RFCAβ-受体阴滞剂 维拉帕米2。抗心律失常药物 CM CAD ICD

    无VT-S:1。医生解释和保证β-受体阻滞剂 2。抗心律失常药物 VT-S ICDLVEF>0.35无晕厥或晕厥前症状LVEF<0.35晕厥或晕厥前症状

    EPS VT-S 索他洛尔/胺碘酮EPS指导应用 无VT-S:ICD


    1、Vaughan Williams EM. A classification of antiarrhythmic actions reassessed after a decade of new drugs J Clin Pharmacol 1984;24;129-147.

    2、Lemen BB,Stein K,Engelstein ED,et al.Mechanism of repetitive mono-morphic ventricular tachycardia 1995;92;421-429.

    3、The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial(CAST)Investigators.Preliminary report:effect of encainide and flecainide on mortality in a randomized trial of arrhythmia suppression after myocardial infarction.N Engl J Med.1989.321:406-412.

    4、The Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial 11Investigators.Effect of the antiarrhythmic agent moricizine on survival after myocardial infarction.N Engl J Med.1992;327;227-223., http://www.100md.com(杨兰)
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