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http://www.100md.com 2003年9月26日 好医生
     * PH70 mmHg以面罩CPAP(持续呼吸道正压)支持呼吸;

    第十一节 术后镇痛

    一、 胸腔镜手术

    * 手术结束时,0.5%布比卡因+1:20万肾上腺素做肋间神经阻滞;

    * 或小剂量吗啡(2-4 mg)静脉注入;

    * 或口服镇痛药;

    二、 开胸手术

    * PCEA(病人硬膜外自控镇痛):0.2%布比卡因、4 ml/输注+2 ml/20 min 自控,发生低血压时,给与升压药支持。


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    2. Wisser W, Klepetko W, Senbaklavaci O, et al. Chronic hypercapnia should not be excluded from lung volume reduction surgery. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 1998;14:107-112

    3. O'Brien GM, Furukawa S, Kuzma AM, et al. Improvements in lung function, exercise, and quality of life in hypercapnic COPD patients after lung volume reduction surgery. Chest 1999;155:75-84

    4. Keller CA, Naunheim KS, Perioperative management of lung volume reduction patients. Clin Chest Med 1997; 18(2): 285-300

    5. Tschernko EM, Wisser W, Hofer S, et al. The influence of lung volume reduction surgery on ventilatory mechanics in patients suffering from severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Anesth & Analg 1996 83(5): 996-1001, 百拇医药(许幸)
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