杨梅叶子为杨梅科植物杨梅树叶子。有效成份杨梅黄酮具有收敛剂,兴奋剂和催吐剂的作用,用于腹泻、黄胆肝炎、淋巴结核、漫性咽喉炎等。此外,杨梅树皮素还具有抗氧化性、消除体内自由基。广泛应用于医药、食品、保健品和化妆品。美国保健品药FYI使用杨梅黄酮用作治疗预防关节炎和各种炎症,尤其对怀孕妇女和哺乳期婴儿适合使用。Myricetin(flavonol黄酮醇),六个羟基红酮。也可用于化妆品的添加剂。Bayberry tree leaf is the leaf of Myrica rubra Slie et Zucc of the N.O.Myricaceae family. The effective element Myricetin acted as astringent, strimulant. In large doses emetic. It is used in diarrhoea, jaundice, scrofula, chronic inflammation of the throat, etc. Besides, Myricetin antioxidant property and free radical scavenging. It is widely used in the field of pharmacy, health food and cosmetics苹果叶子为蔷薇科植物苹果的叶子,有效成份根皮甙,具有提神作用,还具有治疗间歇性发烧、习惯性便秘、眼部炎症、猩红热引起的咽喉肿痛、溃疡、痛风、风湿病、肾脏及皮肤病等。本品广泛应用于医药、保健品、饮料。美国保健品药Bodyonics Pinnacle(Estrolean)使用该成份。用于消炎,预防各种疾病。Apple tree leaf is the leaf of Malus pumila Mill of the Rose family. Phloridzin is the active element of the apple tree bark extract powder. It can be acted as refreshing. And it is used in the case of intermittent fever, habitual constipation, ophthalmic inflammation, sore and swelled throat in scarlatina, ulcers, gout, rheumatism, renal and cutaneous diseases etc. It is widely used in the field of pharmacy, health food and beverage海带为大叶藻科植物大叶藻的全草,海带有降血压、降血脂、抗肿瘤作用。能治疗甲状腺肿大,慢性气管炎,淋巴结结核,水肿,还能补充各种微量元素,固发固指(趾)减肥等。海带广泛应用于医药、保健品和食品及饮料的生产。有效成份海藻酚羟基化合物,(Algae Phenolics),也用于美国药中。Brown seaweed is the herb of Laminaria japonica Aresch of Laminaria family. Brown seaweed has effects as reducing blood pressure, anti-blood fat, anti-cancer. It is used in thyoid enlargement ,chronic inflammation of the bronchia, scrofula, dropsy. It also can supply many kinds of trace element, strengthen hair and nail, slimming. It is widely used in the fields as pharmacy, health food and food product, etc..如今绿色药品成为一种趋势我们要充分利用可再生资源制造有益于人体健康的保健食品和保健药品。充分发挥现有的技术提取各种有用的药品。, http://www.100md.com