刘肖珩1 综述 岑人经2 陈槐卿1蔡绍晳3 吴云鹏3 审校 2004-8-4 15:53:03 生物医学工程杂志内容摘要 综述了血管发展流动问题的发展及其研究现状,指出粘弹性血管的发展流动问题是目前血液流动问题中的前沿课题,提出了从血液流动、血管壁运动、血液-血管壁耦合运动三个方面进行综合研究的方法。
The Advances of Research for Problems of Developing Flow in Blood Vessel
Liu Xiaoheng1 Cen Renjing Chen Huaiqing4 Cai Shaoxi3 wu Yunpeng3
1(Institute of Biomedical Engineering West China University of Medical sciences,Chengdu 610041)
2(Institute of Biomechanics,South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641)
3(Institute of Biengineering ,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044)
Abstract The development and the tedency of the prohlems of developmin flow in the essel are reviewed in this paper.It is pointed out that the problems of developing flow of viscoelastic blood vessel are front subjects,and that consideration shoudbebe give to three aspects,namely the blood flow,the blood vessel's wall motion and the couping between the blood and the wall.
Key words Blood vessel Blood flow Viscoelasticity Developing flow established flow
1 血管中的发展流动问题
循环系统中的血液一旦进入血管内,与血管壁接触的那层血流便会被血管壁所滞止 ......
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