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http://www.100md.com 《中国循环杂志》 1999年第0期
     作者:陈韵岱 吕树铮 张金荣 刘文娴 柳弘 朱小玲 张维东

    单位:北京市,首都医科大学附属北京安贞医院 心内科(100029)


    中国循环杂志99zk67 目的:为探讨冠状动脉支架再狭窄的预测因素。


    结果:再狭窄组病人合并糖尿病史比例较无狭窄组明显增多(30.3%比6.9%,P<0.05);再狭窄组前降支及开口病变比例均明显高于无狭窄组(81.8%比59.4%,P<0.05;21.7%比6.3%,P<0.05)。再狭窄组的长支架(≥30 mm)、单支血管多支架及小支架比例均明显高于无再狭窄组(22.7%比5.0%,P<0.01;40.5%比15.6%,P<0.05;27.2%比2.5%,P<0.01);再狭窄组病人的支架边端残余狭窄≥20%的比例明显高于无再狭窄组(24.3%比3.1%,P<0.05)。


    Clinical assessment of Predictors of Coronary Artery In-Stent Restenosis (Abstract)

    Department of Cardiology, An Zhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing (100029)

    Chen Yundai, Lu Shuzheng, Zhang Jinrong, et al.

    Objective: To assess the predictor of in-stent restenosis in coronary artery.

    Methods: Sixty-two patients were divided into two groups by the angiographic findings, restenosis group (33 cases) and non-restenosis group (29 cases). The clinical characteristis, vessel lesions and acute complications after stenting were analyzed and compared between two groups.

    Results: The percentage of diabetic mellitus history in restenosis group was higher than in non-restenosis group (30.3% vs. 6.9%, p<0.05); The percentages of lesions in left anterior descending artery and its ostium in restenosis group were higher than in non-restenosis group (81.1% vs. 59.4%, p<0.05; 21.7% vs. 6.3%, p<0.05). During stenting procedure, there were obviously much more long stents (length >30 mm), small stents and multiple stents in single vessel in restenosis group. The percentage of residual stenosis >20% at edge of stent in restenosis group is higher than in non-restenosis group.

    Conclusion: The clinical and angiographic characteristics, such as diabetic mellitus history, left anterior descending and ostial lesions, long stent, small stent, multipul stents in single vessel and residual sztenosis >20% at the edge of stent after stenting were probable predictors of coronary artery in-stent restenosis., 百拇医药