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http://www.100md.com 《中国循环杂志》 1999年第0期
     作者:张兴华 朱兴雷 陈良华 时强 唐元升 许法运 王金锋 王克平 邵建华

    单位:山东省济南市,山东省立医院 心内科(250021)


    中国循环杂志99zk88 目的:壁冠状动脉是一种冠状动脉的先天性走行变异,大多数壁冠状动脉患者并无症状,有症状者常在中年以后,其症状酷似冠心病。因此,壁冠状动脉所致的心脏病又称为壁冠状动脉性心脏病。本文初步探讨壁冠状动脉性心脏的诊断和治疗。

    方法和结果:例1,男性,32岁,因饮酒后胸骨后疼痛、低血压半小时入院,心电图显示室性心动过速,利多卡因75 mg静脉注射后恢复窦性心律,血压恢复正常。肌酸激酶及肌酸激酶及其同工酶MB均升高,心电图显示急性非Q波性心肌梗塞,其父亲40岁死于心脏性猝死,半月后冠状动脉造影显示左冠状动脉前降支中段有8~10 mm的壁冠状动脉,收缩期狭窄≥75%,用消心痛、心得安治疗效果良好出院。例2,男性,36岁,因劳力性头晕、胸痛两次入院,心电图正常,动态发现患者在上楼时有T波倒置及ST段稍下移等非特异性改变,心脏超声检查正常,冠状动脉造影显示左冠状动脉前降支中段有5~8 mm的壁冠状动脉,收缩期狭窄50%~75%。服用倍他乐克25 mg/次,每日2次治疗,未再发生上述症状。例3,男性,45岁,过度劳累及情绪激动时发生胸骨后闷痛、大汗流浃背1个月入院,症状发作时心电图Ⅱ、Ⅲ、aVF ST抬高,休息或含化硝酸甘油有效。冠状动脉造影显示右冠状动脉远段有约15 mm的壁冠状动脉,收缩期狭窄≥75%,用消心痛、硫氮唑酮治疗有效。例4,女性,38岁,过度脑力劳动及精神紧张时心前区闷痛2个月入院,症作发作时心电图V1~5波倒置。含化硝酸甘油有效。冠状动脉造影显示左冠状动脉前降支中段有10~15 mm的壁冠状动脉,收缩期狭窄≥50%,用消心痛、心得安治疗效果良好出院。
, http://www.100md.com

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Mural Coronary Disease: A Four Case Report (Abstract)

    Department of Cardiology, Shandong Provincial Hospital, Ji′nan (250021), Shandong

    Zhang Xinghua, Zhu Xinglei, Chen Lianghua, et al.

    Objective: To report 3 cases of mural coronary artery disease.
, 百拇医药
    Methods: Using modern cardiologic techniques to charactrize mural coronary artery disease.

    Results: Patients with mural coronary artery showed typical ischemic ST-T change, ventricular arrhythmia or infarction-like change on electrocardiogram. Tachycardia, coronary spasm, atherosclerosis of distal to mural coronary artery and thrombosis were in volved in pathogenesis of myocardial infarction. Angiography showed a systolic narrowing of coronary artery. Mest patients are asymptomatic at earlier stage, the symptoms, however, can occur in some patients after middle age. For treatment, β-receptor blodlers and nitrates were effective, however, coronary stent, supraarterial of myocardial bridye, or coronary artery by pass graft may also be considered.

    Conclusion: Mural coronary artery can be diagnosed by coronary angiography. The symptoms can be released by medications. Interventional cardiologic techniques or bypass operation may also be considered., http://www.100md.com