1广西医科大学附属肿瘤医院化疗科 广西南宁市 5300212广西肿瘤防治研究所
吴英德,男,1936-02-10生,广西扶绥县人,壮族.1962年广西医科大学医疗系毕业,肿瘤内科主任医师,教授.免疫研究室主任,广西抗癌协会秘书长. 主要从事肝癌导向治疗研究,介入放射学治疗肝癌,肿瘤化疗等,发表论文31篇.
项目负责人 吴英德,广西南宁市滨湖路6号.
Tel: 0771-5313022-3137(宅),3051(办). 收搞日期 1996-07-02 接受日期 1996-12-11
Double bullet radioimmunotargeting therapy in 31 patients with primary liver cancer
Ying-De Wu1, De-Nan Zhou2, You-Quan Gang2, Xiao-Hua Hu1, Zhi-Ge Li1, Xiang-Qun Song1, Hai-Ping He2, Ke-Zheng Yang1 and Bing-Yan Huang11Department of Chemotherapy, Affiliated Cancer Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China
2Guangxi Cancer Intitute, Nanning, Guangxi, China
AIM To observe the effect of a double bullet immunotargeting therapy with the merit of chemotherapy and internal radiotherapy for primary liver cancer.
METHODS The polyclonal horse antibody against human AFP (anti-AFPAb) and the monoclonal murine antibody against human AFP (antiAFPMcAb) were used as carriers, and 131I and mitomycin C (MMC) as warheads, to form double bullet, ie, 131I-anti-AFPMcAbMMC (double bullet 1) and 131I-anti-AFPAb-MMC (double bullet 2) prepared by the modified chloramine T method. The double bullet targeting therapy was administered by intravenous drip once a month in 31 patients (treatment group) with unresectable primary liver cancer. Among them 4, 17 and 10 patients were administered 1, 2 and 3 times, and the median value of radiation dose (MBq/case) were 193.5±37.74; 651.9±232.4, and 992.0±230.5 respectively. ......
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