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肝癌细胞RNA DNA及增殖指数的定量研究
http://www.100md.com 1997年8月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 1997年第8期
     济南军区总医院 1免疫科 2流式细胞研究中心 3病理科 山东省济南市 250031

    胡成进,男,1963-12-20生,山东人,汉族. 1983年济南军区高等医学专科学校检验专业毕业,现为第二军医大学实验诊断学在读硕士研究生,主管技师,发表论文28篇,中国免疫学会会员,山东体视学会会员,主要从事于恶性肿瘤的实验诊断学研究.

    项目负责人 胡成进,山东省济南市师范路25号.

    Tel: 0531-5952171.

    收搞日期 1996-09-26 接受日期 1996-10-18

    Clinical significance of cellular RNA and DNA contents and PI in primary hepatocellular carcinoma

Cheng-Jin Hu, Dao-Li Yang, Ge-Ping Yin, Xiao-Ming Sun, Jin-Song Li and Yong-Cheng Cao

    Department of Immunology, General Hospital of Chinese PLA Jinan Command Area, Jinan 250031, Shandong Province, China


To study the clinical significance of RNA and DNA conten ts and PI in patients with primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC).

    METHODS The cellular RNA and DNA contents and PI in 64 patients (46 males, 18 females) aged from 24 to 70 years with PHC were analysed by flow cytometry. All patients were followed up for 1~5.5 years.

    RESULTS The diagnostic accuracy rates of RNA index (RI) and DNA index (DI) were 93.7% and 75.0% in PHC respectively, and accuracy rate of com bined RI and DI was 96.8%. Statistically the RI was significantly more sensitiv e than DI (P<0.05). The incidence of aneuploid PHC was higher in patients under 50 years of age (82.9% vs 60.9%, P<0.05) and in those with inf ection of HCV (82.1% vs 56.3%, P<0.05). However, there was no signif icant correlation between DNA ploidy and patient′s sex, serum AFP level, HBsAg or tumor size (5cm as threshold). PI was much higher in PHC as compared to the n ormal control group (0.38±0.12 vs 0.10±0.04, P<0.01), and PHC wi th PI over 0.40 showed poor prognosis. The DI was correlated with the histologi c grading (grade DI=1.25, grade DI=1.40, grade DI=1.51, grade DI=1.68). ......

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