胃癌中癌基因ras c-myc mRNA表达的临床意义
1解放军203医院消化内科 黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市 1610002第二军医大学病理教研室
施秀清,女,1947-10-18生,黑龙江省哈尔滨市人,汉族. 1972年毕业于延边医学院医疗系,主治医师,感染控制科主任,主要从事消化疾病的诊治研究.
项目负责人 施秀清,161000,解放军203医院消化内科,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市建设大街59号. Correspondence to Dr. Xiou-Qing Shi, Department of Gastroenterology, Department of Pathology, Chinese PLA 203 Hospital, 59 Jianshe Street, Qiqihaer 161000, Heilongjiang Province, China
Tel. +86·452·2112355-4431
收稿日期 1997-05-06 接收日期 1997-09-03
Oncogene ras, c-myc mRNA expression in gastric carcinoma and its clinical significance
Xiu-Qing Shi1, Gong Li1, Chun-Sheng Li1, Chan-Rong Ni2, Xun Luan1 and Yang Qu1
1Department of Gastroenterology, Department of Pathology Chinese PLA 203 Hospital, Qiqihaer 161000
2Department of Pathology, the 2nd Military Medical University, Shanghai
AIM To study the independent and combined effects of ras and c-myc mRNA expression in the tumor occurrence and to seek evidence for early diagnosis of gastric carcinoma. ......
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