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http://www.100md.com 1998年5月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 1998年第5期
     解放军451医院内五科 陕西省西安市 710054

    陈仕珠,男,1952-02-05生,江苏省淮阴市人,汉族. 1977年毕业于兰州医学院医疗系,1987年空军选优生消化专科学习结业. 现任解放军第451医院内五科主任,主任医师,IGSC会员,《医学信息》编委,本刊通讯委员. 发表论文67篇,其中国外16篇,参编专著3部,获军队科技进步奖14项、医疗成果奖1项,立三等功3次,1966年被收入《中国大陆名医大典》及IBC《国际名人词典》等书.


    Correspondence to Shi-Zhu Chen, Fifth Department of Internal Medicine, Chinese PLA 451 Hospital, 39 Youyi Donglu, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi Province, China

    Tel. +86·29·5432149,2236882-372(O)

    收稿日期 1997-12-26

    Gallbladder emptying function in patients with bile reflux gastritis

    Shi-Zhu Chen, Hong Zhao, Chun-Yan Wu, Wei-Hong Fu and Xu-Chun Chen

    Fifth Department of Internal Medicine, Chinese PLA 451 Hospital, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi Province, China


    AIM To study gallbladder (GB) emptying function and its relationship to bile reflux in patients with bile reflux gastritis (BRG).

Thirty-two patients with BRG and 26 normal controls were studied by using real-time ultrasonography according to a randomized, double-blind and controlled method. ......

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