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http://www.100md.com 1998年7月15日 《世界华人消化杂志》 1998年第7期
     北京军区总医院肝病研究所 北京市 100700

    张晓红,女,1970-03-02生,吉林省长春市人,汉族. 1989年北京军医学校毕业,现任北京军区总医院肝病研究所技师,主要从事肝炎病毒临床检测工作.

    项目负责人 张晓红,100700,北京军区总医院肝病研究所,北京东四南门仓5号.

    Correspondence to
Xiao-Hong Zhang, Institute of Liver Diseases, General Hospital,Chinese PLA Beijing Command Area 5 Dongsi Nanmencang, Beijing 100700, China

    Tel. +86·10·66721183

    收稿日期 1998-04-01

    Relationship between serum HBcAg and HBV duplicate indexes in patients with hepatitis B

    Xiao-Hong Zhang, Ping An, Qiu-Li Pao and Nai-Ling Chen

    Institute of Liver Diseases, General Hospital, Chinese PLA, Beijing Command Area Beijing 100700, China


To investigate the relationship between HBcAg and HBV duplicate indexes in sera of the patients with hepatitis B and their clinical significance.

Serum HBcAg, HBeAg, HBsAg and anti-HBsAb and anti-HBcAb, anti-HBeAb of 237 patients with hepatitis B were determined by ELISA method and HBV DNA was detected by dot hybridization. The HBV DNA polymerase in serum was also detected by 3H-TdR incorporation method. ......

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