北京军区总医院肝病研究所 北京市 100700张晓红,女,1970-03-02生,吉林省长春市人,汉族. 1989年北京军医学校毕业,现任北京军区总医院肝病研究所技师,主要从事肝炎病毒临床检测工作.
项目负责人 张晓红,100700,北京军区总医院肝病研究所,北京东四南门仓5号.
Correspondence to Xiao-Hong Zhang, Institute of Liver Diseases, General Hospital,Chinese PLA Beijing Command Area 5 Dongsi Nanmencang, Beijing 100700, China
Tel. +86·10·66721183
收稿日期 1998-04-01
Relationship between serum HBcAg and HBV duplicate indexes in patients with hepatitis B
Xiao-Hong Zhang, Ping An, Qiu-Li Pao and Nai-Ling Chen
Institute of Liver Diseases, General Hospital, Chinese PLA, Beijing Command Area Beijing 100700, China
AIM To investigate the relationship between HBcAg and HBV duplicate indexes in sera of the patients with hepatitis B and their clinical significance.
METHODS Serum HBcAg, HBeAg, HBsAg and anti-HBsAb and anti-HBcAb, anti-HBeAb of 237 patients with hepatitis B were determined by ELISA method and HBV DNA was detected by dot hybridization. The HBV DNA polymerase in serum was also detected by 3H-TdR incorporation method. ......
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